Quote Originally Posted by Russix View Post
Can you please elaborate on why people who "look like me" is important to this discussion?
i believe jtf is making a humorous reference to a previous thread about the shorpy 1917 pic. iirc, all was going fine when someone threw in that race-grenade of no one looks like me.

I believe the issue of which lane has been settled by other communities. It goes in the first lane of travel and yes it will be a pain in the ass for people parking, for trucks making deliveries, etc. In time folks will learn to deal with it.

The fee collection should happen at kiosks where one buys a rider-pass for x,y,or z dollars. Once you board the train you insert your rider-pass into a card reader.

This is standard proceedure around the world. No need to get all double-thinky about it.