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  1. #26


    Most Obama freaks love to call the so called bailout of the auto industry something that Obama succeeded in. False. There was no bailout and it was a loan, just like one that the bank would give except that the loan was very large. The auto industry bailed themselves out and some Americans realized that buying foreign has hurt their country and some have gone back to the autos of the good ole USA! I have never owned a foreign car, and I never will. I've purchased two cars in my life, a 1997 Chevy S-10 and a 2008 Chevy Impala. Toyota could make a car for $5 that flew and I'd pass.

  2. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    I think you meant to write "prefix", but I digress. Go back and read my post a second time and maybe you will realize that I was describing an object used by President Obama during his visit to Detroit - not what he did or completed.

    Frankly, neither of them have been "accomplished" or "completed". The GM and Chrysler "bankruptcies" are works in progress and neither company has yet to show a sustained profit. None of the health care reforms have been implemented yet - they were deliberately set to phase in so as not to negatively impact the Democrat incumbents chances in the next two election cycles.

    Why is it that so many folks always equate political speeches and legislation with results?
    Yes I did mean prefix, pardon me.

    And perhaps the loans have yet to be paid off, but it something he can say he did that was right and good for the country even if it was controversial. It was necessary to save what's left of our once powerful industrial might.

    And your usage of the term "Obama-prompter", which by the way is never gonna catch on [[your the first person I have ever heard to utter such a stupid phrase), just reminded me of the usage of the prefix.

    And I don't understand your last question because I know I wasn't confused, I was just talking about the term.

  3. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by jerrytimes View Post
    Most Obama freaks love to call the so called bailout of the auto industry something that Obama succeeded in. False. There was no bailout and it was a loan, just like one that the bank would give except that the loan was very large. The auto industry bailed themselves out and some Americans realized that buying foreign has hurt their country and some have gone back to the autos of the good ole USA! I have never owned a foreign car, and I never will. I've purchased two cars in my life, a 1997 Chevy S-10 and a 2008 Chevy Impala. Toyota could make a car for $5 that flew and I'd pass.
    Obama freaks?? That's one for the books.

  4. #29


    A New York Times take on the Volt which GM and the President are betting on. I have a son who wants to buy one but they won't even be sold Minnesota, where he lives, or Michigan right away. Sales will be allowed one cluster of states at a time partly to allow for mechanic training. California is at the head of the list partly because of the extra state subsidies there and a climate more benign to battery operation.

    GM's Electric lemon

  5. #30


    And your usage of the term "Obama-prompter", which by the way is never gonna catch on [[your the first person I have ever heard to utter such a stupid phrase), just reminded me of the usage of the prefix.
    I really don't care if it catches on or not, however, its use in this instance appears to have been very effective. All recent Presidents have relied on the use of a teleprompter, but some of President Obama's supporters appear to be very sensitive to the embarrassingly huge difference in Obama's rhetorical eloquence when he happens to speak without one - perhaps because it then shatters Obama's "storybook" image when it becomes obvious that he doesn't sound any more articulate than George W. Bush?
    "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." - Sen. Joseph Biden [[D-Delaware), Jan. 31, 2007
    And I don't understand your last question because I know I wasn't confused, I was just talking about the term.
    I was referring to your astounding statement that ""Obamacare" and "Obama Motors" are just two of the many accomplishments this administration and Congress have completed". You seem to accept just the conclusion of the political debate, legislation and intervention associated with these initiatives as accomplishment enough, when in fact you should be waiting until you see tangible results before you proclaim them to be completed accomplishments. So far there is insufficient evidence to indicate that these initiatives are completed, and absolutely no evidence to suggest that they are successful accomplishments. Yes, Congress passed a law that will radically change the way people's health will be insured, but none of that has gone into effect yet, and the cost estimates continue to climb. And yes, Obama's intervention in the restructuring of GM's and Chrysler's debts has given what remains of those two companies a new lease on life [[and the government a majority ownership stake in each of them), but there is insufficient evidence yet that they will be sustainable and profitable.

  6. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    I really don't care if it catches on or not, however, its use in this instance appears to have been very effective. All recent Presidents have relied on the use of a teleprompter, but some of President Obama's supporters appear to be very sensitive to the embarrassingly huge difference in Obama's rhetorical eloquence when he happens to speak without one - perhaps because it then shatters Obama's "storybook" image when it becomes obvious that he doesn't sound any more articulate than George W. Bush?
    You apparently have never taken a Public Speaking class. Bush was an awful public speaker, with or without a prompter. Obama, and frankly every other president, knows/knew how to speak with or without a prompter. No, I am not embarrassed by Obama's supposed inarticulateness, because even without a prompter Obama sounds 110% better than Bush. Of course everyone sounds 110% better than Bush.

  7. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by dtowncitylover View Post
    You apparently have never taken a Public Speaking class. Bush was an awful public speaker, with or without a prompter. Obama, and frankly every other president, knows/knew how to speak with or without a prompter. No, I am not embarrassed by Obama's supposed inarticulateness, because even without a prompter Obama sounds 110% better than Bush. Of course everyone sounds 110% better than Bush.
    My use of the term "Obamaprompter" must have really gotten under your thin skin! Surely you must be aware that even Jon Stewart has mocked President Obama for his excessive reliance on his Teleprompter [[video) and that YouTube is littered with clips of Obama's unscripted ramblings and stuttered "Uh, uh..."'s.

    My advice: just let it go, life's too short to wait for an apology from me and 18 months into his Presidency, Obama has [[perhaps wisely) shown continued aversion to unscripted comments. Besides, it's not like I referred to President Obama himself using some kind of disrespectful name in a fashion reminiscent of those that were regularly used here to refer to the previous President.

    I welcome President Obama's belated visit to Detroit and wish that he would come around more often, with or without his Teleprompter! It's always a civic privilege to host a sitting President, regardless of which party they represent.

  8. #33


    Just pretend for a monent that you were the Pres. I bet you would have a tough time giving unscripted comments. With media, bloggers, u-tube and other ready to jump at any verbal slip. The uh's..uh's that you hear is him trying to think ahead while speaking and not fall into the verbal minefields that these reporters set out there. A lot of Bush's statement gaffe's weren't even from reporters pounding him with questions. There's a reason why Bush didn't do a lot of press conferences.

    This teleprompter business is one of the worst cases of nit-picking I've seen in a while. That kind of stuff makes people believe that the only reason some folks pick on Obama is because he's black.

  9. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    There's a reason why Bush didn't do a lot of press conferences.
    And what is the reason for President Obama's dearth of press conferences?

    George W. Bush's longest stretch between prime-time, nationally televised press conferences was 214 days, from April 4 to Nov. 4, 2004. President Obama longest stretch was 309 days - which began on July 22, 2009 when he made his off-the-cuff comment about the Cambridge, Mass. police, saying that they had "acted stupidly". Perhaps his inability to stay on-topic during unscripted comments is the reason why Obama doesn't do a lot of press conferences.

    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    This teleprompter business is one of the worst cases of nit-picking I've seen in a while. That kind of stuff makes people believe that the only reason some folks pick on Obama is because he's black.
    In passing, I simply referred to the President's speech delivery aid as the "Obamaprompter" and for that you whip out the "race card".


    What's next, accusations of "hate speech"?

  10. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    And what is the reason for President Obama's dearth of press conferences?

    George W. Bush's longest stretch between prime-time, nationally televised press conferences was 214 days, from April 4 to Nov. 4, 2004. President Obama longest stretch was 309 days - which began on July 22, 2009 when he made his off-the-cuff comment about the Cambridge, Mass. police, saying that they had "acted stupidly". Perhaps his inability to stay on-topic during unscripted comments is the reason why Obama doesn't do a lot of press conferences.
    Actually after doing some checking both are pretty close in press conferences Obama 32 and Bush 30 however the difference is Obama press conferences breaks out into 13 solo and 19 joint and Bush 5 solo and 25 joint. Solo press conferences being a much more difficult format

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    In passing, I simply referred to the President's speech delivery aid as the "Obamaprompter" and for that you whip out the "race card".


    What's next, accusations of "hate speech"?
    Not really, but there is a perception that the President is being picked on unfairly in cases and nitpicked. Race can be a logical conclusion in that sense.
    I was really not referring to the Obamaprompter statement, I actually think that word is kinda funny.
    Last edited by firstandten; August-01-10 at 05:09 PM.

  11. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    A New York Times take on the Volt which GM and the President are betting on. I have a son who wants to buy one but they won't even be sold Minnesota, where he lives, or Michigan right away. Sales will be allowed one cluster of states at a time partly to allow for mechanic training. California is at the head of the list partly because of the extra state subsidies there and a climate more benign to battery operation.

    GM's Electric lemon
    I'm familiar with the rantings and ravings of the author of "The truth about cars".

    He's a moron. An absolute idiot. That the New York Times has wasted ink publishing his utter crap is a joke.

    He's got an ax to grind and now that the Volt is on the doorstep, he's got to cover his ass about how wrong he's been for so long. Can't eat crow so he's spreading shit.
    Last edited by BagAJellyDonuts; August-01-10 at 06:40 PM.

  12. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by BagAJellyDonuts View Post
    I'm familiar with the rantings and ravings of the author of "The truth about cars".

    He's a moron. An absulute idiot. That the New York Times has wasted ink publishing his utter crap is a joke.

    He's got an ax to grind and now that the Volt is on the doorstep, he's got to cover his ass about how wrong he's been for so long. Can't eat crow so he's spreading shit.
    Sure he has an axe to grind. The guy who owned TTAC [[Robert Farago) wanted to see Detroit fail and his whole site revolved around the GM Death Watch. He tried the same gimmick by creating a Ford Death Watch right before he left the site to start some site about guns. Farago got into it with Jason Vines on Autoline and made an asshole out of himself but in the end, Ford won.

  13. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    It might have helped your cause more to have posted a video showing a more overwhelming audience opposing presidential support of Detroit automakers. But you couldn't do that could you?

    What took George W. Bush so long to meet with Detroit automakers anyway? Of what was he afraid?
    Thanks for reminding me why I generally stick to architectural issues on this forum.

    I know a lot more about Bush than you, I'll bet. I won't defend Bush because I never liked him. He was a lousy Governor. His daddy got him in. I voted for Ann Richards. She was a great governor and somehow W got to be Governor, instead of Jeb, which was the original plan. I don't care for a lot of what W did as President, but we can't change the past by finger-pointing. This nation grows weary of this from both Obama and his followers. This "he did it", little kid mentality doesn't solve anything.

    We're under siege here, from a vindictive, divisive president. Why is that not obvious to you? I don't have time to do your research for you, nor wait for you to realize you've been bamboozled. He's another Kwame from a different mommy. Go to some other state and broaden your horizons. You'll see what I mean.

    BTW: I'm in cool, A/C...solar panel powered. Thank you very much.

  14. #39


    Kathy2trips...it is my hope that from now on you'll just stick to architectural issues.

  15. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by kathy2trips View Post
    We're under siege here, from a vindictive, divisive president. Why is that not obvious to you?
    This is the part I don't get from Obama's critics on the right. Even is they don't agree with his views, what in the world is their evidence for claims like this? How is this "obvious"?

    It seems to me that Obama has gone waaaay out of his way to be conciliatory, which the other side of the aisle has done literally everything in its power to resist and reject. In fact, that's one of my major problems with him so far.

  16. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by EastsideAl View Post
    This is the part I don't get from Obama's critics on the right. Even is they don't agree with his views, what in the world is their evidence for claims like this? How is this "obvious"?

    It seems to me that Obama has gone waaaay out of his way to be conciliatory, which the other side of the aisle has done literally everything in its power to resist and reject. In fact, that's one of my major problems with him so far.
    He is vindictive and mean because his idea of "bipartisan" does not mean " do whatever the republicans in congress say". He's vindictive and mean because he is actually getting stuff done that he said he would do during the campaign. Crazy stuff! IF Republicans offered ideas instead of being the party of "no"... If they offered policy instead of dogma, we might get somewhere. Instead we have tempest in a teabag over a mosque in New York and an alternate reality where deficit spending is to be encouraged as long as it's on tax cuts for the nations wealthiest individuals.

    Palin/Gingrich '12- You Betcha!

  17. #42


    I've never seen a politician who was able to make the republicans squirm like Obama does. Not even Clinton got under their skin this bad.

    I don't know how people like Kathy or the typical teabagger/fox news viewer is going to make it through the next 6 years considering they're this pissed off already and we're not even done with year 2 yet. Either way, it should provide a good source of entertainment.

  18. #43


    Were it that simple if we could just "wall off" his detractors as the usual [[boiler plate) suspects. Truth be told the gleam is wearing thin for many dems and independents too. Including many that voted for president Obama.
    Quote Originally Posted by artds View Post
    I've never seen a politician who was able to make the republicans squirm like Obama does. Not even Clinton got under their skin this bad.

    I don't know how people like Kathy or the typical teabagger/fox news viewer is going to make it through the next 6 years considering they're this pissed off already and we're not even done with year 2 yet. Either way, it should provide a good source of entertainment.
    Last edited by Zacha341; August-05-10 at 08:00 PM.

  19. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Were it that simple we could just "wall off" his detractors as the usual [[boiler plate) suspects. Truth be told the gleam is wearing thin for many dems and independents too. Including many that voted for president Obama.
    Wearing thin to the point of.....wait for it....transparency! LOL.

    Not pissed off, just a good judge of character. I had Obama pegged before the election and man, was I dead-on. Don't want socialists hijacking the Democrat party, either. You know, the "ask not what your country can do for you..." Democrats. Where the heck are those people? Anyway, November 2 should be one fascinating day. See U at the polls!
    Last edited by kathy2trips; August-05-10 at 04:34 PM.

  20. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by kathy2trips View Post
    Wearing thin to the point of.....wait for it....transparency! LOL.

    Not pissed off, just a good judge of character. I had Obama pegged before the election and man, was I dead-on. Don't want socialists hijacking the Democrat party, either. You know, the "ask not what your country can do for you..." Democrats. Where the heck are those people? Anyway, November 2 should be one fascinating day. See U at the polls!
    Enlightening us!! Why would 2 Nov 2010 will be a fascinating day? What the Republicans will take over? Woo hoo....it will be the same old shit.

  21. #46


    To talk about Democrates vs Republicans is on the same level as cheering for sports teams. Look at the issue you care about, study the history, read both the conservative and liberal versions, and then vote.

  22. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by RickBeall View Post
    To talk about Democrates vs Republicans is on the same level as cheering for sports teams. Look at the issue you care about, study the history, read both the conservative and liberal versions, and then vote.
    Well look at you, making sense and everything...

  23. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by RickBeall View Post
    To talk about Democrates vs Republicans is on the same level as cheering for sports teams. Look at the issue you care about, study the history, read both the conservative and liberal versions, and then vote.
    But, but, but, but my dad can beat up your dad.

  24. #49


    The President's Detroit visit fell far short of what it could have been. Of course, this is a midterm election year and so the visit was more about showcasing the "success" of the bailout to moderate/independent voters, and not really about directly addressing Detroit's multiple crises. I feel that since the US taxpayers are majority owners in General Motors and minority stakeholders in Chrysler, both these companies should be forced to get on board with manufacturing for the transit industry- rail cars, hybrid/electric buses, train tracks, etc. Re-open those factories that were shut down. Open new factories, especially in previously abandoned locales like urban Detroit and elsewhere. I have written letters to officials, appointees and activists from the President on down, but so far this angle has only barely reached public discourse. The whole "quick-wash get-in-get-out" hands-off managing of the auto bailouts has been maddeningly wrongheaded. But at least the American public will get to drive those neat new Chevy Volts, at only $41,000 a pop. Save your pennies.

    Read more: http://www.time.com/time/nation/arti...#ixzz0vm9bbGF2

  25. #50


    I hear you, I am just as enthusiastic with far left agenda as I was with the far right. Not really. I am not buying that it is by default as benevolent as portended. At least with the repubs you're on guard and less likely to be caught short!

    The 'tit-for-tat' [[right vs left empty rubric rhetoric) thing will continue to confuse the issue... example: [you] don't like Obama you must like the repubs ala Palin, McCain et al. NOT!

    All critisism is not necessarily an either/ or issue as it is often summarized to be....
    Quote Originally Posted by kathy2trips View Post
    Wearing thin to the point of.....wait for it....transparency! LOL.

    Not pissed off, just a good judge of character. I had Obama pegged before the election and man, was I dead-on. Don't want socialists hijacking the Democrat party, either. You know, the "ask not what your country can do for you..." Democrats. Where the heck are those people? Anyway, November 2 should be one fascinating day. See U at the polls!
    Last edited by Zacha341; August-05-10 at 08:31 PM.

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