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  1. #26


    papasito: Blaming the illegals for crossing an unenforced border would be like arresting someone for picking up a wallet full of money off the sidewalk when no one is looking,...

    maxx: when the alleged thief's own wallet had been stolen by the wallet's owner. U.S. farm bills have been dumping cheap U.S. corn in Mexico for decades and putting farmers out of business there. And to what end? Does it make corn any cheaper in the U.S.? It's obviously a sop to companies like ADM.

  2. #27


    Oladub: Ronald Reagan was proven a fool for believing that Democrats would keep up their end of the bargain. He agreed to give amnesty to all here if the Democrats would agree to support the enforcement of immigration laws.They didn't.

    Reagan signed the bill after Republicans and Democrats cobbled together an amnesty program in response to concerns from farmers worried about harvesting profits. The official record of congressional debates shows that lawmakers intended the program to provide a steady supply of labor for growers of perishable crops, such as cherries, grapes, peaches, etc. At the time the bill was written, however, "perishable" was defined so loosely that more durable crops such as potted plants, tobacco and seedlings were lumped in as well.
    So even at the start, this program could be interpreted in ways that would benefit employers looking to save on wages..."
    Congress creating a permanent underclass ? Could it be?

    "In exchange for the amnesty, the new law was supposed to have beefed up border patrols and stiffened fines for both the migrant workers and employers in cases of violation. Alas, the law failed to stop illegal immigration, and many critics of the law say the government never thoroughly regulated employers who skirted the law's requirements..."

    Let's see, the border is over 1900 miles long and there are about 1700 agents at the Mexican border. But there aren't many people living along the border on the U.S. side. And there is a lot of desert. I would think most illegals would enter by trucks and vans, not on foot. And trucks and vans require roads so that the roads would be the main priority for surveillance.
    W started a 700 mile fence in 2006.
    "... The border fence is not one continuous structure and is actually a grouping of short physical walls that stop and start, secured in between with "virtual fence" which includes a system of sensors and cameras monitored by Border Patrol Agents.[5] As a result of the effect of the barrier, there has been a marked increase in the number of people trying to illegally cross the Sonoran Desert and crossing over the Baboquivari Mountain in Arizona.[6] ."[wiki]

    Hence Arizona's response.

  3. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    I'm sure the standing administration's immigration policy would be completely different if Mexican immigrants tended to vote Republican as a majority...

  4. #29


    Well stated Pap. This issues has many facets. Further, all illegals are not working or even seeking work. Within that community there are illegals conducting crime upon other illegals and citizens...
    Quote Originally Posted by Papasito View Post
    And why do left wing sheeple pass illegals as innocent victims? And entice them with amnesty and government giveaways to pander to the hispanic base?

    Fault lies in multiple places.

    The Government for not securing our borders.
    Several Presidents for not securing our borders.
    Several Administrations for not addressing this issue.
    The illegals for entering illegally.
    Local & Federal law enforcement for not enforcing the law.
    and I'm sure there's many many more reason, but I firmly agree the blame is not all on the illegals.

    Blaming the illegals for crossing an unenforced border would be like arresting someone for picking up a wallet full of money off the sidewalk when no one is looking, the temptation is there, the reward is great, and the chances of repercussions is very small.

  5. #30


    Argh... your starting to sound "right wingy" [[smile) LOL! But seriously to deny that there is an extreme element of protest who clearly present with a "we want it back" attitude is to ignore reality.

    Though I sorta respect the "take it back" crowd and their progressive supporters therein! At least they are not being oblique! You know just what their agenda is and their transformative goals. Perhaps they have a point.

    So fine take the offending states back, seize it... now what happens? Will the US be a bit more redeemed of a fraction of it collective sins!

    And what of Mexico.

    They are certainly more noble in how they deal with immigration. Hmmm.
    Quote Originally Posted by DumplingDude View Post
    Thank you . I was going to post similiar items about this racist oirginization but you beat me to it.
    Its pathetic how the left trys to deny everything.
    I should post a link to the L.A. teacher who goes around colleges screaming revolution and how evil and weak whitey is and how LaRaza is going to revolutionize this nation because it belongs to them but I am too lazy.
    His last name is Gochez.I think? Of course he won't be fired.He will be allowed his anti-America racist views and continue poisoning children with his hatred.
    God Bless America.

  6. #31


    The irony of these marches are always obvious. Hate America, get that [[you have the freedom to state that here even while breaking the law)... demand that she redeem herself, fine.

    But try that same stuff in other countries [[being an illegal and protesting for your rights) and you simply "disappear". At minimal people are arrested for that.

    So long as this whole issue is captured in the left vs. right 'tit-for-tat' box the cause and outcomes will always be misunderstood and distorted greatly... for the supporters and detractors!

    The current "correct" political positioning [[understood) is for the US to respond reflexively guilty on the local and international statge -- so there it is. She is guilty.

    SO Let 'em march... they know NOW IS THE TIME! [[politically to do so)

    Not that I am saying America is perfect. I AM NOT.

    However, for example for one, here you can voice your opinion fairly freely... Try that in Mexico!
    Quote Originally Posted by DumplingDude View Post
    ...I don't know about you but I sure do enjoy having the invading force march down my streets calling me racist because I refuse to recognize them as legitimate residents of America all the while, a huge number of them are pretty nasty racists openly proclaiming their hatred for this country.
    Last edited by Zacha341; June-02-10 at 04:57 AM.

  7. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    The irony of these marches are always obvious. Hate America, get that [[you have the freedom to state that here even while breaking the law)...
    Somebody must be coaching them this time around. When the demonstrations were done a few years ago, they stomped and burned the American flag, while waving Mexican flags and proclaiming how Texas, Arizona and New Mexico were stolen from thier homeland.

    At least this time around the illegals are a little more politically correct in thier protests.

  8. #33
    DumplingDude Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Papasito View Post
    Somebody must be coaching them this time around. When the demonstrations were done a few years ago, they stomped and burned the American flag, while waving Mexican flags and proclaiming how Texas, Arizona and New Mexico were stolen from thier homeland.

    At least this time around the illegals are a little more politically correct in thier protests.

    Now now Papa. Coaching? You would not be suggesting the left is in there stirring the pot would you?

    Like it could possibly be anyone else. \
    When are Americans going to realize that the left, the right ,the rich and business owners are your damn enemies.
    They do not care about you as long as they can have their slaves. Well, their slaves are revolting and want their freedoms too. Which people will be the next batch of slaves?
    I have a feeling all of us.Those of you fighting for your masters , I hope they throw you an extra pork chop at Christmas time. You certainly earned it..
    Just remember, you will never be one of them. You will always be one of us. Only you are a traiter to the masses and not even a hero to the oppressors at whose feet you so lovingly lay.

  9. #34


    DDude: When are Americans going to realize that the left, the right ,the rich and business owners are your damn enemies.

    maxx: So who does that leave?

    DDude: They do not care about you as long as they can have their slaves.

    maxx : That may be true of the businesses and the rich, but you're overlooking the fact that the left have been the people fighting for decent wages, working conditions, living conditions for the poor, better education for everyone, women's rights, minority rights, fringe benefits, etc., etc.. Sounds like you're a person who only cares about himself. That doesn't make for a successful society.

  10. #35


    Another story from the state that progress forgot: Altered mural fuels racial debate in Prescott
    A group of artists has been asked to lighten the faces of children depicted in a giant public mural at a Prescott school.

    The project's leader says he was ordered to lighten the skin tone after complaints about the children's ethnicity. But the school's principal says the request was only to fix shading and had nothing to do with political pressure....

    R.E. Wall, director of Prescott's Downtown Mural Project, said he and other artists were subjected to slurs from motorists as they worked on the painting at one of the town's most prominent intersections.

    "We consistently, for two months, had people shouting racial slander from their cars," Wall said. "We had children painting with us, and here come these yells of [[epithet for Blacks) and [[epithet for Hispanics)."

    Wall said school Principal Jeff Lane pressed him to make the children's faces appear happier and brighter....

    City Councilman Steve Blair spearheaded a public campaign on his talk show at Prescott radio station KYCA-AM [[1490) to remove the mural.

    In a broadcast last month, according to the Daily Courier in Prescott, Blair mistakenly complained that the most prominent child in the painting is African-American, saying: "To depict the biggest picture on the building as a Black person, I would have to ask the question: Why?"...

  11. #36


    UPDATE: Good news. The gutless, carbound racists lost, and the mural is being restored to its "original theme." Jeff Lane, the principal of Miller Valley Elementary School, and Kevin Kapp, the school superintendent, showed up at a protest today to apologize for giving in to whims of mentally deranged adults, spewing racial epithets at a painting:

  12. #37


    those who paint liberals as anti-American are flaming the debate for a one party system...ummm like a dictatorship...those who doesn't recognize that people protest when there is oppression have no empathy for oppression. Those who have disagreements with the government policies don't see themselves in the mirror when they call themselves the tea party and enlist in their own freedom of speech while getting upset by others who exercise the same rights. Those who use racist remarks to describe the president are judging him not on his character but his ethnic background and not on what his agenda is. While we will always have two parties completely paid for by big business and lobbies from foreign countries...at least we are starting to recognize this from polar ends and maybe true reform will begin with lobbies and contributions...by the way we do have the best congress money can buy...

  13. #38
    DumplingDude Guest


    Those who constantly say people are spitting on them and calling them racist names without any sort of video evidence in this day and age are just inflaming racial hatred for their own political gain.
    Once more, the masses buy into all this bologna without proof.[[in a crowd where there are thousands of cameras no less)

    To the moon Alice!

  14. #39
    DumplingDude Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by gibran View Post
    those who paint liberals as anti-American are flaming the debate for a one party system...ummm like a dictatorship...those who doesn't recognize that people protest when there is oppression have no empathy for oppression. Those who have disagreements with the government policies don't see themselves in the mirror when they call themselves the tea party and enlist in their own freedom of speech while getting upset by others who exercise the same rights. Those who use racist remarks to describe the president are judging him not on his character but his ethnic background and not on what his agenda is. While we will always have two parties completely paid for by big business and lobbies from foreign countries...at least we are starting to recognize this from polar ends and maybe true reform will begin with lobbies and contributions...by the way we do have the best congress money can buy...

    Also the best president money can buy.

  15. #40


    yeah right Mr. Haliburton

  16. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by DumplingDude View Post
    Also the best president money can buy.
    Yes, right your are! President Obama was the top recipient of BP campaign funding although Goldman Sachs put BP to shame by contributing 10x as much. Goldman Sachs is such a lucky company in that it fortunately dumped its Transocean stock and 44% of its BP stock just two weeks before the unfortunate incident.

    But since this is about the browning of Arizona, I have something to report that should warm the hearts of all the champions of illegal immigration. One illegal alien, President Obama's dear Auntee Zeituni, was granted asylum in the US on May 17 because her celebrity status might put her in harm's way if she went back to Kenya. President Obama said that he didn't even know she was in the country. No more shabby public housing for Aunt Zeituni. She is family and there are some vacant rooms in the White House.


  17. #42


    reality is that many ordinary [people invested in President Obama) and his ties havent really panned out yet have they>

  18. #43


    Does Obama even know any of his family members? Brother is in a hut in another country, Aunt is in Kenya, comes here and he doesn't even know? Odd, anyway, I'm tired of hearing the illegals complain. Get them out of here and let the legals in. I love how they spin it. It has nothing to do with the fact that they are Mexican, it's that they are ILLEGAL! Personally I blame both Bush and Obama for this....neither cared about the border and forced Arizona to do their job. Good job boys!

  19. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by jerrytimes View Post
    I love how they spin it. It has nothing to do with the fact that they are Mexican, it's that they are ILLEGAL!
    No, the only reason anybody cares is that most so-called illegals tend to be Hispanic.

    Hispanics tend to be law-abiding Catholics, unlike most "native born Americans" who are largely Protestant, and they used the same argument in the early days of the 20th Century about Eastern Europeans.

    The right wing hates the thought of more Catholics coming to this country and the left wing has all the atheist's who hate more "damn Xtian" folks coming here to outnumber them. Thus the vicious circle repeats itself...

  20. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitej72 View Post
    No, the only reason anybody cares is that most so-called illegals tend to be Hispanic.

    Hispanics tend to be law-abiding Catholics, unlike most "native born Americans" who are largely Protestant, and they used the same argument in the early days of the 20th Century about Eastern Europeans.
    Yes, it couldn't possibly be because they don't speak English; some don't even speak real Spanish but what is called Tex Mex. Or that they will work for extremely low wages. I'm sure that if there were a lot of illegal Chinese coming to this country who couldn't speak English and had hardly any job skills, no one would mind. lol

    The right wing hates the thought of more Catholics coming to this country and the left wing has all the atheist's who hate more "damn Xtian" folks coming here to outnumber them. Thus the vicious circle repeats itself...
    Yes, there are sooo many atheists in Congress.

  21. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by jerrytimes View Post
    Does Obama even know any of his family members?
    Why should he know them? His father left for Africa when Barak was quite young.

    Personally I blame both Bush and Obama for this....neither cared about the border and forced Arizona to do their job. Good job boys!
    Yes, Bush only had 8 years while Obama has had barely 1 and 1/4 years.
    And he has been rather busy keeping the economy from going into a depression and trying to get Republicans to do anything constructive for the nation and not just their party.

  22. #47


    And he[[Obama) has been rather busy keeping the economy from going into a depression

    Oh yeah? by doing what?

  23. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    And he[[Obama) has been rather busy keeping the economy from going into a depression

    Oh yeah? by doing what?
    seriously, where do you think we would be today if the reactionaries had had their way? 20% unemployment? 30%?


  24. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    seriously, where do you think we would be today if the reactionaries had had their way? 20% unemployment? 30%?

    Thank goodness Comrade Obama has added $3T to the national debt and billed it to future generations. If he hadn't taken action, unemployment would have exceeded 8% as his administration warned us. The Cash for Clunkers program helped reduce unemployment in South Korea too. Not having done much to collect the oil floating around in the Gulf will allow it to drift the the shore where hundreds of thousands of unemployed Americans can be put to work thus resolving the job creation problem when the census is over.

  25. #50


    how fun! according to most reports, adjusted for inflation, the debt was flat for 40 years, except a slight blip during wwii. then somethings started happened in 1981, and it has been going up at a steady pace ever since [[except for a plateau during the Clinton years, which resulted in an actual decrease in the debt until dubya's policies took effect)


    hey, legalize more illegals, spread the debt.

    btw, 60% of the debt is owed by the Govt TO the Govt. [[much "borrowed" or stolen from the SS system and Medicare) and the Fed.

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