As a newcomer to the forum, I'm kind of an outsider to this conversation. So take everything I say with a grain of salt. A couple observations:

I'm saddened by the tone of this thread. Good communication requires that you assume the best of people. Anyone could be lying or manipulating at any time, but you're not going to find out if they are by confronting them. Over time, you figure out who's unreliable. Unless you want to destroy all good feeling in the conversation, keep it to yourself.

Aggression on an internet forum is cowardly -- you're hiding behind a keyboard.

This forum has the potential to make a lot of things happen for Detroit. But it needs to be a safe atmosphere first, a place where people can believe in something without being mocked.

And please, don't accuse me of "lecturing" you. Just read what I wrote, and if it's worthless, ignore it.