Quote Originally Posted by bailey View Post
mike - c'mon, it's more than just saving the gas used in garbage pick up. the idea would be to completely put sections of Detroit off the grid entirely. That is more than just saving gas. Can it work? Should it even be tried? I don't know. But it's definitely about more than $45 bucks a year.

I get it, but what costs are associated with being "on the grid" that the city covers? Does the city subsidize water for the residents? Electric? Cable television? I sure as hell know they barely maintain the roads.

All I'm asking is where's the math?

So let's say Detroit starts shutting down sections. [[again I am a fan of this proposal) Here's my list of "savings and losses". Please add or subtract as you see fit. Nothing is too ridiculous-I even noted the loss of bus shelter advertising revenue in closed sections of the city. Seriously Have at- I'm just some schmuck from Hamtramck who realizes the the success of Detroit could only mean good things for those surrounding areas. [[Or areas surrounded by the D)

Lay off garbage-men.
Maintain fewer garbageg trucks.
Layoff Garbage administrators.
Pay less to dispose of garbage.
Save on electricity powering street lamps.
Save on street maintenance.
Close postal routes. [[or is this federally funded?)
Layoff postal employees. [[or is this federally funded?)
layoff postal administrators. [[or is this federally funded?)
Maintain fewer postal vehicles. [[or is this federally funded?)
Layoff firefighters.
Maintain fewer pieces of firefighting equipment/facilities.
Layoff fire dept administrators.
Close schools. [[not sure what % is city funded if any)
Layoff teachers. [[not sure what % is city funded if any)
Close bus lines [[how much of d-dot and m-dot is city funded?)
Save on bus fuel [[how much of d-dot and m-dot is city funded?)
Maintain fewer buses.
Save on repairing bus shelters
lose revenue for bus shelter advertising.
Layoff police officers.
Layoff police administration.
Maintain fewer police sub stations.
Let fields go au-natural-saving on city owned lot maintenance.
sewer water line repair [[is this on the city? would think judging by the bills these costs get past on to the consumer-sorry did I say "passed on to"? I meant "jammed up their asses".)
Fair market value of each house
Abandon city parks in closed areas saving on maintenance
Cost to demolish each house [[Last check it was $30 k per house-but that may have been the padded friends-of-Kwame contract price)
Cost to abandon or deadhead gas/water lines.