"You'll have to file for unemployment, he'll fight it and point to "the situation" and you'll be left scrambling."

The good news if you should qualify for unemployment even if you quit. The quit will not be "your fault" but due to the employer changing the conditions of employment - thus changing your job.

You would be best doing this immediately following a change in conditions. The next change or maybe asking for and being denied the vacation, especially if you try to take some time you consider yourself to have earned before the boss announced the change in vacation conditions.

gnome is correct, however that the boss will fight the UI. It seems high but I hear 80% of employers are initially denying claims because they know they will get away with it a lot. So do the paper work for a redetermination.

Most of the claimants appearing before an administrative law judge [alj] [[to appeal the redetermination) lose. Bringing a witness or a competent person to help & you greatly increases your chances to win at the alj. In your case you should eventually win, even if you have to appeal the alj decision. Pain in the ass but the purpose of Unemployment Insurance has been gutted over the years by employer side lawyers [[and judges).

Wage rip off not paying overtime correctly, not paying all wages owed are epidemic and increasing. They are also criminal offenses.

Unfortunately many people's perspective on workers' rights is something like: "It's a free country. If you don't like your job you are free to quit."

While most of us probably agree the end of chattel slavery was a good thing; many think workers' rights or 'living in a free country' should amount to more than not being owned by our employers.

It seems in America 'free economy' means the boss is free to do to us whatever we cannot stop them from doing.