Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
it is goofy because:
a) income tax is allowed constitutionally, and has been from the start
b) since a is true, how else can an income tax be instituted?
Income taxes have been shot down repeatedly. During the Civil War is the most recent example that I can think of at the moment.

And if it has been "allowed" from the start, then why the "need" for the 16th Amendment?

Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
ah, still falling for that bit of long-disproven right-wing BS?
You didn't answer my question. Claiming that something has been disproven isn't an answer.

How does making a bank provide a mortgage to someone who cannot afford one, helping a bank?

Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
yes, after the secuities, banking and insurance industries pumped literally billions into the coffers of "our" reps [[in the name of free speach, of course)
No argument, there.

Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
any historian would say that they could NEVER predict with any level of certaintyan outcome if events didn't happen. anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool.
So according to your statement, an ill-conceived "treaty" that imposed crushing economic sanctions on a nation that they knew would never be fully repaid without causing a near economic collapse, had no bearing on Hitler's rise to power.

Then why are we studying History, if we cannot learn anything or draw conclusions from it?

Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
That fashion is barbarous?
That private wealth deprives its owner of liberty?
No, that other quote.