Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
You use words like moronic and irrelevant and then try to associate a civilian semi automatic weapon with a military issue fully automatic weapon as if they have the same capabilities,then for added fluff you throw in the hand gernade part. Cute

If you really think that a hand gernade is the only form of explosive then you are really wet behind the ears,go spend a few weeks in the Middle East,there is nothing that you can touch or feel that cannot be made into an explosive device.

The part that you are leaving out just as your media leadership is the amount of shootings stopped by good guys with guns.

Notice no media coverage on this one

Thankfully, a heroic citizen with a permit to legally carry a concealed handgun was able to save countless lives in Florida Saturday when he shot a gunman who opened fire on a back-to-school event attended by over 150 students at a park in Titusville, Florida.


Did you know there are over 120,000 cases where a good guy with a gun stopped a shooting ?

Of course not,that will not fit your agenda,as much as it pisses you off it is legal to own a AR-15,and it does not matter if you agree with it or not,it is legal.

See that is the way this country is,if I see somebody wishing to do others harm I have the ability to stop them,you can call 911 and wait,do not worry you do not have to let me know how it worked out,I can already tell you how it will.

But that is your right,I respect that maybe you should try respecting others rights.

Have you ever rolled up on an accident where a teenager that had 23 texts in five minutes while going down the highway and killed himself and 4 others,do you how much blood and carnage that creates?

But you have no problem with that,why?

105 a week 420 a month 5040 a year directly related to cell phone use while driving,but you are not calling for a cell phone ban,maybe because then you would have to give up yours.
Yes, actually I do have a problem with cell phone distracted driving and other things that are deadly also but that is irrelevant to this particular problem being discussed in this thread of what happens when nut bags start using semi-auto rifles with quick detachable magazines in military calibers on people.

Richard doesn’t see a problem and just changes the subject because this guy didn’t have 3 round burst or full auto. Of course if Richard was standing on that field he would have saved the day with his pocket 9 mill! Time to consider what happens when gun nuts delusions of grandeur don’t get to be fulfilled. It could be something similar to this: