Quote Originally Posted by SyGolden48236 View Post
Exactly how does exclaiming "F**k Colin Kaepernick" at a concert make Kid Rock a racist? Kid Rock never mentioned nor disparaged Kaepernick's race at all. Kapernick is a schmendrick, regardless of his skin color, and he deserves to be called out for his blatant disrespect for the country that gave him the opportunity to rise to the heights that he has risen. If Chris rock said "F**k Colin Kaepernick" would it be permissible in your view? So now anybody calling out a person of another race for their actions is a racist?

Perhaps the problem here is that you, and Henderson, have such a myopic world view that you cannot view anything except through the lens of race. What a sad existence it must be to go through life trying to make every issue into a racial incident. But hey, Al Sharpton became very wealthy doing this so it may work for you.
Ah so you have to mention race directly now to say something with racial connotations. Im sure the all white crowd he was playing in front of in Iowa were uber patriotic people and it has everything to do with the flag and nothing to do with the fact it was a black guy taking a knee. I find it funny that when Kid Rock does something it is NOT up for interpretation but if CK takes a knee he is saying "fuck you" to the country despite countless interviews and statements to the contrary. If Chris Rock said the same thing I would disagree with it just as much. Being an idiot isn't something exclusive to one group of people or another.

Not every issue is about race and in fact this might be the first time I have broached the topic here in the years ive been on this site. The problem is people such as your self who think we live in a post racial world and frankly don't like talking about it because it is a complex issue. It is much easier to be the grumpy old white guy bitching about race than someone who tries to address the issue head on.