It's an idea I'm sure alot of black folks ask among themselves.

It's springboarded from the tragedy in Connecticut.

27 people are murdered, 20 of them children, most of them white.

Within a month New York state comes out with new gun laws while the Federal government considers new regs.

Meanwhile Chicago just had 500 murders in 2012, while Detroit had 400. At best you get some tsk-tsks, at worst you get scorn about "those people" and bootstrap bullshit.

People can clearly see the double standard. They lash out in some pretty ugly, understandable ways to it.

In this forum the sentiment is brought up. Whenever Chicago and Detroit are contrasted it's said that Chicago is in a much better spot because it's enormous, disgusting, senseless violence is concentrated in the ghettoized south side and mostly black-on-black or latino-on-latino.

Really? It's like, I know you think you're saying something, but you're really truly not.

And it's not a niche viewpoint. According to well known shemale Ann Coulter:

If you compare white populations, we have the same murder rate as Belgium...So perhaps it’s not a gun problem, it’s a demographic problem.
Personally I think, No black lives aren't seen as valuable as white lives. By other black people especially, as I wrote in a previous thread, we black people inexplicably hate each other more than anyone else could.

Just a small example is a recent hit movie based on a novel.

A prepubescent character dies in both the novel and film. The character is specifically described as black and coming from a territory that used to be Georgia. A ton of idiots didn't pick up on that. When seeing the character is black in the movie, they actually felt comfortable enough to broadcast that they didn't feel as bad about their death as when they believed the character was white.

An insignificant but extremely revealing reaction. IMNSHO anyway.