Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
Show me a comparison that non-union workers make more than union. I believe it's the opposite, that's why most companies don't want to set up shop in unionized states, they all are south of the Mason-Dixon line. JerryTimes is right. Non-union workers get paid what the company feels they are worth [[which is usually peanuts) with no bargaining power whatsoever. Take it or leave it. RTW opens the door for the continued declassification of the middle class.
I'm just telling you what the pay was at the company I worked for. I don't pretend to know all the numbers for all of the other companies, but my anecdotal experience eliminates a lot of variables since they all worked in the same city, for the same company, making the same parts for the Big 3. It would be less instructive to compare the rates between different industries, companies and areas.

I can also tell you that many of the really good union workers did not like the union and would have gladly opted out if given the chance, and I think that's why unions are so much against RTW. The fact is, unions protect the shitty workers and holds back the good workers. With collective bargaining in place, it is impossible to give a worthy employee a raise outside of his contract mandated increase. We used to be able to give our best workers in the non-union shops larger raises and more often to make sure we could keep them from leaving. That's just good business.