Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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  1. #1

    Default Foggy Day in the City

    Wow, anyone look outside yet?

    We are bathed in a blanket of fog right now...it is eerie.

    The weather people are saying over 60 degrees today...and I'll be locked inside a makeshift recording/rehearsal studio in Buddy Smith's living room with living legends.

    It promises to be a great one...hope y'all have the same!


  2. #2


    It's a gorgeous sunrise on the eastside with just a frosty haze.

  3. #3


    Yeah, looked again and was amazed at how quickly the fog layer burned away.

    I don't think it was my synapses...LOL...but there was some coincidental caffeine mainlining.

    It's going to be a beautiful day in the city.

  4. #4


    Yep, not even a cloud in the sky looking over 500 miles to our west...


  5. #5


    Excellent tropospheric conditions last night, I was able to pull in all the Flint and Lansing TV stations down here in Toledo.

  6. #6
    bartock Guest


    I can't see the water from Washington Blvd and Fort. It is pretty cool. Hope this works.

    Attachment 7749
    Last edited by bartock; November-09-10 at 10:21 AM.

  7. #7


    I can't see more than 10 feet out my window and I'm more than 20+ stories up!

  8. #8


    You do know if Sonny Eliot were still on the air talking about this warm and foggy weather, he'd be calling it something like "Woggy" or some other odd term.

  9. #9


    Foggy day today too!

  10. #10


    Visibility at the airport yesterday morning, in hundreds of feet:

    Attachment 7753

  11. #11


    It was progressively less foggy as you left downtown. Drove from the CBD to Ferndale last night, and as we crept along Woodward and got higher and higher up in elevation, the fog would suddenly blanket the road. Woodward between 6mi and 9mi was heavily fogged, while downtown to Grand Blvd was totally clear. Actually it got suddenly more foggy as we went under the railroad bridge between Piquette and Baltimore. Then, there was a strange, spotty fog. Around Boston Blvd there was suddenly a huge blanket, then it cleared up considerably. From 6mi to 9mi it was extremely heavy fog. We couldn't see but 30 or 40 feet into the fog. One of the few times I've obeyed the 30mph speed limit on Woodward...

    Would've been nice to have seen Detroit from the air that night.

  12. #12

    Default Be safe drivin' in this fog!

    I'm sure you're watchin the news, but I'd say visibility has to be 100 meters or less.

    Be careful!

  13. #13


    yeah, if it wasn't for this Iphone with the gps and the touch screen keyboard, it sure would be easy to get lost. The curb feelers come in handy too

  14. #14


    Finally! I can text and drive again without worry of getting pulled over by the boys in blue!

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Magnatomicflux View Post
    I'm sure you're watchin the news, but I'd say visibility has to be 100 meters or less.

    Be careful!

    Just got back from Flint to Tecumseh. It was bad all the way down 23 south but the moment I hit Saline it was just 0 visibility. I was going about 35 the whole way home!

  16. #16


    Its foggy for me every morning.

  17. #17


    Exact same thing yesterday here in Dowriver. Visibility so low I couldn't even see the engine of a passing train while driving on Eureka.

  18. #18


    I had noticed a giant chemtrail like streak the fog had left running just above the Detroit river yesterday afternoon. It was like the trail the Red Bull planes leave when flying by but the streak was wider. Had anyone noticed it?

  19. #19


    I have been photographing and posting photos of the fog on my phootoblog for the last few days http://313.aminus3.com/image/2010-11-12.html if you are interested

  20. #20
    bartock Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by stasu1213 View Post
    I had noticed a giant chemtrail like streak the fog had left running just above the Detroit river yesterday afternoon. It was like the trail the Red Bull planes leave when flying by but the streak was wider. Had anyone noticed it?
    I wish I would have taken a picture. It was exactly how you described except the "vapor trail" was a bit wider than the Red Bull planes. So cool.

  21. #21


    From the Ren Cen Friday morning

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by rjlj View Post
    From the Ren Cen Friday morning
    Wow, that is a really cool picture... think you could send it to me so I could make it my desk top? :P

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by rjlj View Post
    From the Ren Cen Friday morning
    Amazing. I love how the light skips off the sides of the buildings. I'd fight a bear for that view in the mornings.

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by rjlj View Post
    From the Ren Cen Friday morning
    Very NICE!

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