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  1. #1

    Default NBC "School Pride" Detroit episode 11/05

    I saw "School Pride" for the first time on 10/29. They did a makeover on a flooded elementary school in TN. This Friday, 11/05 the Detroit episode will air.


  2. #2


    I believe it's the old St. Mary of Redford High School.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by daddeeo View Post
    I believe it's the old St. Mary of Redford High School.
    I think you mean CMA HS.

  4. #4


    No the place was St. Mary of Redford High School. It's next to the old grade school on Mansfield in Detroit. I went to school there in the 60's.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by daddeeo View Post
    No the place was St. Mary of Redford High School. It's next to the old grade school on Mansfield in Detroit. I went to school there in the 60's.
    It has been Communication Media Arts High Sschool for almost 20 years, but the building was originally part of St. Mary's of Redford:


  6. #6


    Indeed, Communication and Media Arts High School was founded in 1992. The first freshmen class of the newly established DPS school entered, in the Fall of 1992, in the building, which was formerly St. Mary of Redford High School.

    As an alumnus [[Class of 2005) and volunteer, researcher, and recruiter for the show, I will definitely be attending the event. If anyone watches the show, I think I will be credited as Ron Hilliard, or something of the sort [[though I had a different name as a student). I just hope that my statements are not misrepresented...I know all about sound bites.

    Tickets for both the VIP event and general admissions are available at tix4cause.com.

  7. #7


    I checked out School Pride. [[11/05) As a former contractor for DPS, I visited CMA back in 2005 as I had to visit a number of DPS locations. I remembered how the students were into their school and how they were one of a few who had a high graduation rate. I remember being in that very library five years ago before they closed it. CMA is a smaller Detroit high school but it was a success and yet I was shocked that they kept putting this school on the closure list. CMA is Renaissance without the new bells and whistle building.

    I'm glad that the students of CMA have a fighting chance to compete. It's a shame that all Detroit Public Schools can't get the makeover that CMA got but we have start one school at a time. Perhaps one day when students and the parents and the community and DPS start to care then maybe they can use CMS as a blueprint to save our schools.

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