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  1. #1

    Default Monica frequently refused to pay for dinner...WTF?


    Shades of Kwame and Christine.
    My first reaction to this was, why did they keep serving her? Oh yeah, she was the City Council president, and she could ruin them if they didn't indulge her ego.
    Can you imagine being the waiter who got her table, knowing full well she was going to dine-n-ditch and leave you with the bill?

  2. #2


    What's the difference between Monica Conyers and a common thief?

    That's a trick question because there is no difference. Both think that anything is theirs for the taking no matter who paid for it and no matter what effect their taking it has on others.

  3. #3


    You have to wonder where Monica Conyers got the idea that public office is a license for corruption. She seemed to engage in it so enthusiastically and without regard to the consequences until the sobering moment of standing before a Federal judge to plead guilty. I'm grateful for the trial of Sam Riddle in bringing out the more flagrant episodes of their corrupt behavior. I certainly expect Sam Riddle to testify in his defense since he's talked so much of speaking truth to power. I'd like to hear from him what truth he can reveal that challenges the powers-that-be in this town.

  4. #4


    The Motor City became Entitlement City for some of our city "leaders".

  5. #5


    Sounds to me like Pappas got his money's worth for the free meals and 'consulting' fees. I don't know what he could bitch about. He has been in that sewer long enough to not qualify for a casino license.

    Papas testified he had taken over a deep injection well in Romulus, but the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was dragging its feet on a needed license transfer.

    He asked Conyers if she could give him a name and number of someone in her husband's office Papas could contact, and the councilwoman set up a three-way phone conversation with a staffer in her husband's office, Papas testified. The staffer said Conyers might be willing to write a letter to the EPA in support of the license transfer, which the congressman later did.

  6. #6
    LodgeDodger Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by eno View Post
    You have to wonder where Monica Conyers got the idea that public office is a license for corruption. She seemed to engage in it so enthusiastically and without regard to the consequences until the sobering moment of standing before a Federal judge to plead guilty. I'm grateful for the trial of Sam Riddle in bringing out the more flagrant episodes of their corrupt behavior. I certainly expect Sam Riddle to testify in his defense since he's talked so much of speaking truth to power. I'd like to hear from him what truth he can reveal that challenges the powers-that-be in this town.
    Honey, she grew up in Detroit. From what we've seen these past years, she's had quite a few role models...

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by LodgeDodger View Post
    Honey, she grew up in Detroit. From what we've seen these past years, she's had quite a few role models...
    When you are hired to be the fake wife of a closeted gay congressman, I think ethics are not really your strong suit to begin with.

    ....just throw 'alleged' in there where ever appropriate. I would hate to be accused of defamation.

  8. #8


    We all know that Conyers is scum and nothing in the article surprises me but this piece doesn't sit well with me:

    Earlier this morning, Greektown businessman Jim Papas testified Conyers frequently refused to pay her bills when she dined at two Greektown restaurants, costing the owners several thousand dollars during her time in office.
    Papas, owner of Pegasus and landlord of Mosaic, which is owned by his daughter, testified Conyers was a regular customer but typically would not pay her tab when asked.
    "A lot of times she would refuse and get up and leave," Papas testified at the corruption trial of Riddle, Conyers' former chief of staff. A manager would either have to make the meal complimentary or "the server would have to pay for it," said Papas
    So Pappas knew she had a tendency of not paying, still allowed her to eat at his places [[knowing there may be some political ramifications if he didn't) and he still make his servers eat the cost of the meal she walked out on. That is comlpete bs - the staff loses money because he is afraid to tell her to stay out of his places.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by jt1 View Post
    A manager would either have to make the meal complimentary or "the server would have to pay for it," said Papas, who estimated the free meals totaled $2,000 to $3,000.

    So Pappas knew she had a tendency of not paying, still allowed her to eat at his places [[knowing there may be some political ramifications if he didn't) and he still make his servers eat the cost of the meal she walked out on. That is comlpete bs - the staff loses money because he is afraid to tell her to stay out of his places.

    Sounds like one corrupt, and cheap, bastard calling out another one. What a cesspool of assholery. How'd you like to be the poor waiter/waitress when Monica came in and sat in your section, knowing what was likely to happen next?

  10. #10


    Hard to believe it isn't against some law for an employer to make the waitstaff cover her tab, when he knows she wasn't going to pay.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by eno View Post
    You have to wonder where Monica Conyers got the idea that public office is a license for corruption. She seemed to engage in it so enthusiastically and without regard to the consequences until the sobering moment of standing before a Federal judge to plead guilty. I'm grateful for the trial of Sam Riddle in bringing out the more flagrant episodes of their corrupt behavior. I certainly expect Sam Riddle to testify in his defense since he's talked so much of speaking truth to power. I'd like to hear from him what truth he can reveal that challenges the powers-that-be in this town.
    Well, my expectation was answered today. Sam Riddle will NOT testify on his own behalf. The defense only called two witnesses to the stand. When Riddle was asked by Judge Cohn if he intended to testify, Riddle replied angrily that he would not be bullied into taking the stand. So Sam was selling wolf tickets about testifying and letting the chips fall where they may. It would have been entertaining and edifying to see Mr. Riddle under cross-examination.

  12. #12


    How many councilpeople in St Clair Shores pay their bills at Waves and Sajos?

    I mean, when their credit card is swiped and reversed and they sign it... do they actually get charged?

    Hardly a City of Detroit thing.

  13. #13


    And how about all the liquor licenses that get transferred to Royal Oak? Magic how most of the city commission green-stamps every business venture. No parking? No problem!

  14. #14


    I would have gone to the media so damm fast if I were made to pay for her tab.Did she tip?So much for the Dems. always fighing for the "workers".Of course Repubs.have pulled this stunt too.3rd party of honest folk,anyone?

  15. #15


    Yea,the only way to stop corruption is if good people holler constantly about being fed up with the rampant corruption everywhere,not just Detroit.The whole country needs the "let's grab the pitchforks and burn the witches!" attitude.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by RaumVogel View Post
    Yea,the only way to stop corruption is if good people holler constantly about being fed up with the rampant corruption everywhere,not just Detroit.The whole country needs the "let's grab the pitchforks and burn the witches!" attitude.
    I'm not sure that starting fires, for any reason, is such a good idea in this town.

  17. #17


    Please pardon me for thread jacking but I have a Monica-related question. The tv news[[mainly Fox2)keeps showing a clip of Monica talking with the press outside her home. Monica's in a white top standing near a car in her driveway talking to a few reporters. In the background a woman with curly hair comes out of Monica's house. Is the woman Val Clark[[WXYZ reporter)? I've been seeing this same clip since last year[[maybe late summer/early fall) and swear that Val comming out of Monica's but can't get any confirmation and never have a disc in my machine to tape the clip.Has anyone else seen it or am I hallucinating?

  18. #18


    When you are hired to be the fake wife of a closeted gay congressman, I think ethics are not really your strong suit to begin with.
    i thought the story went that she was a 20 something campaign worker for the late 40s something congressman who bore his illegitimate child so they got married so things wouldnt look so bad...

    oh wait, i guess they STILL look bad...

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by RaumVogel View Post
    Yea,the only way to stop corruption is if good people holler constantly about being fed up with the rampant corruption everywhere,not just Detroit.The whole country needs the "let's grab the pitchforks and burn the witches!" attitude.
    If you're referring to politicians, right on!

  20. #20


    That is so UGLY... typical priviledged, spoiled behavior. Did she not think about the serve staff who'd have to pay for the meals? Meals I am sure were lavish making the waiter or waitress rip and run the whole time... what kind of person could do this - with such preemptive ease. In her quest to be big time, she comes off common and deep-dish cheap....
    Quote Originally Posted by Diehard View Post

    Shades of Kwame and Christine.
    My first reaction to this was, why did they keep serving her? Oh yeah, she was the City Council president, and she could ruin them if they didn't indulge her ego.
    Can you imagine being the waiter who got her table, knowing full well she was going to dine-n-ditch and leave you with the bill?

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    That is so UGLY... typical priviledged, spoiled behavior. Did she not think about the serve staff who'd have to pay for the meals? Meals I am sure were lavish making the waiter or waitress rip and run the whole time... what kind of person could do this - with such preemptive ease. In her quest to be big time, she comes off common and deep-dish cheap....

    You shouldn't be surprised of this behavior. The rich and the privilege demonstrate this attitude everyday and Monica Conyers is no different. For example, Tiger Woods would go into a restaurant and request that his meal be made complimentary. A billionaire requesting free meals. Celebrities complaining when they don't get more swag than they requested. The rich and privilege don't care about the poor, that's why Conyers could walk out of a restaurant and not care who got stuck with the bill as long as it wasn't her.


  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Rideron View Post
    People in Detroit get precisely the quality of governance they choose to elect.
    People in Detroit!! You must don't get out much because you are attempting to marginalize political corruption to just Detroit.


  23. #23


    Another monica question [[from this story): why doesn't John Conyers pay his son's tuition? Why does Monica have to ask a third party to give her the money to pay it? Doesn't a United States congressman make enough to pay his child's tuition?

  24. #24
    bartock Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by SWMAP View Post
    Another monica question [[from this story): why doesn't John Conyers pay his son's tuition? Why does Monica have to ask a third party to give her the money to pay it? Doesn't a United States congressman make enough to pay his child's tuition?
    ...with her second business of selling votes it sounds like Monica was making more money than her husband. I'd like to hear the context or the tone of her voice when she said that...this is the same person who said that she needed her "loot," was going to open up a bra store, etc., etc. She needed money for her son's tuition like she needed money for a mortgage, car payment, whatever; no reason to believe anything that came out of her mouth.

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by R8RBOB View Post
    People in Detroit!! You must don't get out much because you are attempting to marginalize political corruption to just Detroit.
    There are very few places in this country where blatant, outright corruption and total incompetence is tolerated at a level equal to Detroit. This is a city that repeatedly elected the likes of BRC and Lonzo Bates, elects Martha fucking Reeves and Monica Conyers and now a tv newsreader that can't manage to pay his mortgage. Has an adjudged unfit parent and functionally retarded person elected to the school board repeatedly...i mean, should I go on? I would think maybe Louisiana and N.O. are about the only ones as close to the lawless, kleptocracy that is Detroit.

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