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  1. #1

    Default Dedan Milton expected to plead guilty.

  2. #2


    I am just curious as to why he made it a point to say he won't be discussing anything with regard to Kwame [[is that his way of confirming there is something to discuss?)

  3. #3


    Dedan doesn't want to end up Strawberried.

  4. #4
    Buy American Guest


    It's the "I'm not a snitch" mentality.

  5. #5
    bartock Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by exdetroiter View Post
    I am just curious as to why he made it a point to say he won't be discussing anything with regard to Kwame [[is that his way of confirming there is something to discuss?)
    Note that he referred to KK as "The Mayor."

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by bartock View Post
    Note that he referred to KK as "The Mayor."
    Illusions die hard among the deluded ...

  7. #7
    Chuck_MI Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Buy American View Post
    It's the "I'm not a snitch" mentality.
    Exactly. Although it looks like Milton may be beckpedaling from his reported earlier statement about Kwame being safe. Or at least his lawyer is. This snippet is from Detroit News coverage of his guilty plea:
    "Though Milton declined to comment after the plea hearing his attorney, W. Otis Culpepper, denied Milton ever said he would not talk to the FBI about former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick."

    From The Detroit News: http://detroitnews.com/article/20100...#ixzz0eQPEBCIX

  8. #8


    Ah, Otis Culpepper, my old next door neighbor in Highland Park, back before his checkered career got rolling...

    So who paid the bribe? The Chaldean Catholic Church?

    "Kandia Milton pleaded guilty in connection with a real estate deal involving the sale of a 160-acre plot of city-owned land in Livingston County -- known as Camp Brighton -- to the Chaldean Catholic Church. Kandia Milton, 38, recommended the sale to the Detroit City Council, which approved it in 2007."

    "The Milton brothers are accused of splitting $50,000 in bribe money, along with another childhood friend, Jerry Rivers, a former Detroit cop who worked as a mayoral bodyguard and in the department's liquor licensing bureau."

  9. #9
    Chuck_MI Guest

  10. #10


    The chickens are coming home to roost!I think that the thought of KK living in an exclusive Dallas sub,while his cronies are being fitted for orange jump suits will have more of them talking. Why take the fall for this guy.This isn't a Sopranos storyline,this is real life with real time looking to be served.You won't be "taken care of",nor will your family be by the KK family.And what will you do when you get out?Former convicted flunky of a former felon mayor won't look good on a resume.Cut the deal now DeDanny,Milton,Monica,Daddy BK and all the rest.Its like the gang that couldn't scam straight.
    Last edited by luckycar; February-03-10 at 06:59 AM.

  11. #11


    DeDan Milton was Kwame's number one crony and club-hopping buddy. His job qualifications were nebulous: in fact, it was often unclear just what his job in the Kilpatrick administration really was [[gofer? procurer? advance man?). It will be interesting to see how freely he will talk.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by luckycar View Post
    The chickens are coming home to roost!I think that the thought of KK living in an exclusive Dallas sub,while his cronies are being fitted for orange jump suits will have more of them talking. Why take the fall for this guy.This isn't a Sopranos storyline,this is real life with real time looking to be served.You won't be "taken care of",nor will your family be by the KK family.And what will you do when you get out?Former convicted flunky of a former felon mayor won't look good on a resume.Cut the deal now DeDanny,Milton,Monica,Daddy BK and all the rest.Its like the gang that couldn't scam straight.
    Yeah, that's what I've been hearing for over a year now. However, the fat man is still living in his mansion and I haven't seen any indictments come down the pike with his name on it.

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