Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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  1. #1

    Default I know ONE way to put Detroit on the map....

    ... and bring in a ton of media and government dollars.

    Terrorism trials could move away from Manhattan
    The Justice Department is considering alternative locations outside New York City for the trials of alleged Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and four others.

  2. #2
    Long Lake Guest


    This would be a disaster for Detroit. NYC didn't want this because they calculated it would cost well over $1 billion in police overtime and lost revenues.

    If you put this in Detroit, you would have to put it in some vacant lot on Fenkell or something, and even then, every person and business in a 2-mile radius would be terribly affected.

  3. #3


    ....bring in a ton of media and government dollars.
    I've got a better idea. The government has already spent more than $300 million [[that's nearly a third of a billion dollars) on new and improved high-security facilities at Guantanamo Bay. Despite that investment, President Obama intends to shut it down. If Obama is intent on having a show trial for KSM, maybe he could show some mercy on us taxpayers and utilize the federal high-security facilities we already have.

  4. #4


    and think of how it would inflame the arab population of Detroit as well?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    ... and bring in a ton of media and government dollars.


    If someone actually pays you to think, I feel sorry for them.

  6. #6


    Earlier in this thread, I took some heat for suggesting that the Obama administration should consider saving hundreds of millions of dollars by using the already secure installations at Guantanamo Bay to conduct their show trial of KSM.

    Well what do you know?:
    "Terror Trials Could be Headed Back to Gitmo"

    The trial of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed won't be held in lower Manhattan and could take place in a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay, sources said last night. Administration officials said that no final decision had been made but that officials of the Department of Justice and the White House were working feverishly to find a venue that would be less expensive and less of a security risk than New York City.
    Don't hold your breath for an announcement that they are coming to a court room anywhere near here.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by mcsdetroitfriend View Post
    and think of how it would inflame the arab population of Detroit as well?
    mcsdetroitfriend, I can't think of how it would "inflame" the arab population.

    Why don't you tell us how it would "inflame" the arab population?

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by mcsdetroitfriend View Post
    and think of how it would inflame the arab population of Detroit as well?
    It's worth pointing out here that, in general, the Detroit area's Arab and Muslim communities are among the most tolerant in the world. They truly are a diverse bunch of folks, from all over the Middle East. We tend to have poor geography skills, we Americans. We don't realize just how large the Middle East is, and how many different points of view Muslims and Arabs embrace. That they can all live together in one part of the world and get along should be testament enough to their tolerance and understanding.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitnerd View Post
    It's worth pointing out here that, in general, the Detroit area's Arab and Muslim communities are among the most tolerant in the world. They truly are a diverse bunch of folks, from all over the Middle East. We tend to have poor geography skills, we Americans. We don't realize just how large the Middle East is, and how many different points of view Muslims and Arabs embrace. That they can all live together in one part of the world and get along should be testament enough to their tolerance and understanding.
    They are getting along just great in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, etc.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Hermod View Post
    They are getting along just great in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, etc.
    These "countries" were intentionally carved up by the great imperial powers so that internal ethnic groups would quarrel. That is why Iraq was carved out of Sunni, Shia and Kurdish areas. Or why Afghanistan is Pathsun, Tajik and other minorities. The colonial rulers knew that the best way to ensure they held power was to draw borders in ways that would guarantee internal conflict.

    The fact that our local Middle Eastern population is relatively free from these Old World prejudices is all the more startling, like a great melting pot we can all be proud of.

    Contrary to Hollywood and TV, the peoples of the Middle East have not been warlike invaders. In fact, historically, they have been the victims of wars and political machinations provoked and fought by First World powers.

  11. #11


    The 9/11 terror trial should be held in lower Manhattan. That is where the crime was committed. I don't know if there is any precedent for a trial to be moved based on burden to the community.

    Furthermore, what community in this country is better equipped to shoulder that burden than the [[by far) largest city in the country? This move is purely political, and just another example of the Obama administration buckling under pressures that are against its better judgment.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    Earlier in this thread, I took some heat for suggesting that the Obama administration should consider saving hundreds of millions of dollars by using the already secure installations at Guantanamo Bay to conduct their show trial of KSM.

    Well what do you know?:
    Don't hold your breath for an announcement that they are coming to a court room anywhere near here.
    More proof Obama is a center/right president, contrary to what Fox and AM radio shrills tell you.

  13. #13


    More proof Obama is a center/right president, contrary to what Fox and AM radio shrills tell you.
    The center/right position is that terrorists like KSM should be treated as a captured enemy combatant and tried in military courts. When/if Obama ever tells AG Holder to turn KSM over to the military for trial, then maybe you can say that.

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