Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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  1. #1

    Default Danish Theater Writers ISO Detroit Guidance

    I received the following email request from a couple of Danes who will be visiting Detroit in a week. In followup emails, they expressed an interest in the Detroit art scene and getting an insider feel of what is happening here. If anyone has the time and inclination, post a response here and I will work on the connection.
    In short: we're a Danish theater right now working on a play about the
    financial crisis - with a "global" perspective - and drawing in a number of cities, among them Detroit.
    Two of us from the theatre are going to do research in Detroit on the 3rd and 4th of October... and we're looking for people who could show us some of the city, also the deserted parts, and tell us a little about it.
    We're very fascinated with the area and the city and hope to get an
    impression of what's going on there.
    Again: hope to hear from you soon!
    All best, Michael Monberg
    Also if any of you have any suggestions for relevant art/ theater events on the 3rd and 4th post them here.

  2. #2


    Perfect weekend for them to be in Detroit...October 2 & 3
    Art Detroit Now: 2 Days, 75 Galleries & Museums, 1000s of Artists
    More at: http://www.artdetroitnow.com/

    They might also be interested in this exhibit at the Cass Cafe...
    The Detroit Frontier:
    "Paintings inspired by the Metro Detroit landscape"
    Darcel Deneau, Nicole MacDonald, Laura Macintyre,Taurus Burns, Clinton Snider, Bryant Tillman
    Sept 26-Nov 21, 2009
    [[Opening Reception with the artists, Saturday, Sept 26 from 7pm-10pm)
    More on this exhibit in this Detroit News article:
    Local artists capture beauty in Detroit's raw landscape

  3. #3


    Saturday 10/3/09: Russell Industrial Open House 7pm to Midnight
    The Russell Industrial Center, an Albert Kahn-designed, former auto-body manufacturing plant converted into more than 1 million square feet of studio space, will host an open house. Visit the studios, exhibitions and demonstrations by the 150 artists that work in the building.

  4. #4


    I'm currently doing an anthropological fieldwork in Detroit focusing mainly on the use of post-industrial buildings for artistic purposes and the potentials of the abandoned buildings/areas of Detroit. As I too am very fascinated with Detroit and what the city has to offer [[and also is a Dane) I would be happy to discuss the matter with them and share my experiences so far. They can contact me on the following mail address if interested: karenbroberg@gmail.com.

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