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  1. #1

    Default Cost of taking pictures

    Does anyone know if you have to pay to take wedding pictures at Belle Isle or DIA?

  2. #2


    No, it is a public park. Inside the DIA maybe but out side no.

  3. #3


    Second the 'no problem' to Belle Isle. We took wedding pictures there in August, and were one of several parties to be doing so. We only took pictures around the fountain, but had also considered the Casino.

    Only caution about Belle Isle if you don't already know: avoid the east side of the island during warm weekend afternoons if you're on a schedule. You can easily get caught up in a 30-45 minute traffic jam, which can be a real issue if you've got a reception to get to...

    I'd also recommend the interior of the Guardian Building to anyone interested in taking Detroit-based wedding photography. Not only does it make a phenomenal backdrop, they are very open to people doing so. When I verified with the security guard that we could take pictures, he not only said yes, but made recommendations on where to get the best shots. I can also say that building management has no issue with taking pictures, as I contacted them several months in advance. Can't wait to get the photos back; the proofs came out amazingly well.

  4. #4


    It's been about five years since I photographed in side the DIA, so policies may change, but here is what it was. You get a permit at check-in and rules which stipulate no flash, no tripods, and no pictures of visiting exhibitions or other art that my not be in the DIA's ownership. If you did the pictures casually and stayed out of the way, you should be able to pull it off.

  5. #5


    I called the office Belle Isle and they told me it would be $100 to take wedding pictures. I would think it would be free. Should I risk it and just take them????

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by timmyjohn View Post
    I called the office Belle Isle and they told me it would be $100 to take wedding pictures. I would think it would be free. Should I risk it and just take them????
    Guy you talked to probablly just wants to put the 100.00 in his pocket. Who the hell is going to stop you from taking pictures? I went there last winter to photograph Deer and assorted wildlife. If somebody told me to pay then 100.00, I'd tell them to blow it out their ass.

  7. #7
    lilpup Guest


    What office did you call??

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by timmyjohn View Post
    I called the office Belle Isle and they told me it would be $100 to take wedding pictures. I would think it would be free. Should I risk it and just take them????
    Timmyjohn, there may be a $100 fee to have your wedding ceremony at Belle Ilse, [[ I have been to many in the conservatory) but the law states that you may take photographs in any public place or in front of any private place and publish them without the need for a release, the only exception being places that may be considered to be a threat to national security, I.E. nuclear power plants and such. To learn more about photographers legal rights visit this site:

  9. #9


    I just called and I asked if there was a charge for taking pictures just outside. They said they can not tell me yes. I then asked "so I can come and take the wedding pictures" again she said I am unable to tell you that you can come and take pictures. WHAT DO I DO?!? Can someone give me a number to call?

  10. #10
    Stosh Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by timmyjohn View Post
    I just called and I asked if there was a charge for taking pictures just outside. They said they can not tell me yes. I then asked "so I can come and take the wedding pictures" again she said I am unable to tell you that you can come and take pictures. WHAT DO I DO?!? Can someone give me a number to call?
    Just take the fucking pictures. Christ. No one will stop you.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by timmyjohn View Post
    I just called and I asked if there was a charge for taking pictures just outside. They said they can not tell me yes. I then asked "so I can come and take the wedding pictures" again she said I am unable to tell you that you can come and take pictures. WHAT DO I DO?!? Can someone give me a number to call?
    Just take the pictures...don't be a TIMMY

  12. #12


    Are you seriously asking this question? Just go and do it. We're talking about the biggest island park in the world in the most lawless city in the world. NO ONE will stop you taking pictures. If they do, tell them to go chase the deer.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Gsgeorge View Post
    Are you seriously asking this question? Just go and do it. We're talking about the biggest island park in the world in the most lawless city in the world. NO ONE will stop you taking pictures. If they do, tell them to go chase the deer.
    I agree here! Everyone that I know that has gotten married in and around the Metro Area has gone to Belle Isle and had their wedding pictures taken. And not one couple ever said they paid anything. Just do it.

  14. #14


    Timmyjohn, please read my previous post. The only places where it is illegal to take photos in a public place in the U.S. are those places that are deemed a threat to national security. Anyone who tells you there is a cost to photograph anything or anyone on Belle Ilse is a fraud. If anyone including the DPD and Coast Guard tries to prevent you from taking photos they are violating your civil rights.

  15. #15


    I got married at the yacht club a month ago and I tried to take pics at the conservatory and the woman came out and told us we needed administration permission and had to pay 100 to take pics at the conservatory we told her to get a life and went and took pics at the Scott Fountain....

    I was very disapointed to find that out... If I was in plain clothes I can take pics just fine... As a city tax payer you would think I would be able to take the pics for free...

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by urbanoutdoors View Post
    I got married at the yacht club a month ago and I tried to take pics at the conservatory and the woman came out and told us we needed administration permission and had to pay 100 to take pics at the conservatory we told her to get a life and went and took pics at the Scott Fountain....

    I was very disapointed to find that out... If I was in plain clothes I can take pics just fine... As a city tax payer you would think I would be able to take the pics for free...
    Me thinks she was trying to make some quick cash! City taxpayer or not - the island is a public park.

  17. #17


    Belle Isle is under the supervision of the Recreation Department. I worked for that department for over 17 years. Trust me. Just go and take the pictures. Anyone who would suggest you need a permit would be from the Rec Dept. For the most part they do not work weekends.

  18. #18
    stinkbug Guest


    What the fuck?
    Why are you calling some office? It's a public park. Take your pictures.
    Don't call some fucking number. Why the fuck does everyone nowadays need their hands held and have somebody wipe their asses for them? Lemmings.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by detrola View Post
    Belle Isle is under the supervision of the Recreation Department. I worked for that department for over 17 years. Trust me. Just go and take the pictures. Anyone who would suggest you need a permit would be from the Rec Dept. For the most part they do not work weekends.

    The same woman works at the conservatory every weekend I go. I go there about 6 times a year and take pics about every time I go... On my wedding day however we had stepped 4 steps inside the gate when the woman came out and approached us and told us that permission was needed for wedding photos and it would be a 100 dollar fee...
    Is the Conservatory under the umbrella of the rec department or is it an individual organization that operates on the island? I assume it is still under the Rec departments umbrella but trust me go dressed up and they will come out and harass you and tell you to get permission from the office and it will be 100 dollar fee...

  20. #20


    Make sure you clean the place up before you take the pictures.

  21. #21


    No one is charging to take photos at Belle Isle. I have taken pictures there for years. My aunt and uncle took wedding shots in front ofthat famous fountain [[what's the name of it?) in the late fifties, a cousin too her wedding shots in front of it when they were married. I've taken shots there too. And the wild life, it a free deal. Someone is scamming you. It's absolutely free to take photos out a Belle Isle.
    Quote Originally Posted by timmyjohn View Post
    I called the office Belle Isle and they told me it would be $100 to take wedding pictures. I would think it would be free. Should I risk it and just take them????

  22. #22


    These are numbers from the Friends of Belle Isle website. Maybe they can helhttp://www.fobi.org/contact.htmp:
    8109 East Jefferson
    Detroit, MI 48214
    Phone: [[313) 331-7760 Fax: [[313) 331-1500
    Office hours are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm

    Detroit Recreation Department
    65 Cadillac Square
    Detroit, MI 48226
    Phone: [[313) 224-1100

    Key Phone Numbers

    Belle Isle Special Events Information including reservations for weddings, festival, or other special events, [[313) 628-2081 or contact Tracy Lawrence at [[313) 628-2072

    Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory, [[313) 821-5428

  23. #23
    Stosh Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    These are numbers from the Friends of Belle Isle website. Maybe they can helhttp://www.fobi.org/contact.htmp:
    I'll bet that if they come out of the Conservatory, that these are the same people that are extorting the money for the photos.

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by timmyjohn View Post
    Does anyone know if you have to pay to take wedding pictures at Belle Isle or DIA?
    TJ, I recall taking pictures of my daughter for her first communion at the Belle Isle plantarium with no problem nor interference from the staff. My theory is if you ask permission you give them the opportunity to say no or you run into their personal pettiness. At the DIA, I believe you have to request a pass to take photos. You can do that at the front desk. You are allowed to photograph any of the artwork that is owned by the museum but are not allowed to use flash or any kind.

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