"Liberal And Conservative Agree: Modern GOP Isn't Salvageable"

Jimaz, I oppose censorship so I support your right to cite msnbc cartoons as a source. I appreciate that your source outed Bill Kristol as an ally of Democrats. Kristol supported every war imaginable including Obama's executive ordered war on Libya to Bush's WMD lie getting us into Iraq. In the Wikipedia article about Bill Kristol, I learned that "He is also one of the three board members of Keep America Safe, a national-security think tank co-founded by Liz Cheney." There you have it. Democrats' favorite Republicans Bill Kristol and the warmonger Cheney family in the same sentence.

This is part of the shift of party polarities I sometimes mention.
-The 10 richest counties in the US voted for Biden
-57% of the 100 richest counties in the US voted for Biden
-Biden received $1.624B of campaign funding, $.991B in large donations
-Trump received $1.088B of campaign funding, $.555B in large contributions
-Biden received 78% more in 'large donations" than Trump
-Every POC group voted in higher percentages for Trump in 2020 than in 2016
-Affluent white suburbs voted more for Biden than they did for Hillary

"The Republican Party is not just the party of country clubs, the Republican Party is the party of steel workers, construction workers, pipeline workers, police officers, firefighters, waiters and waitresses. -Ted Cruz to CPAC 2/27/21

Ted Cruz jumped the gun a little but there was something going on in that direction under Trump. No wonder Democrats are trying to keep Trump off the ballot in 2024 like they kept the Green Party off the ballot in my state in 2020.

Meanwhile, Democratic members of Congress are trying to wrestle away Pres. Biden's control of the nuclear button. So let's say our radar spot 147 incoming ICBMs headed to the U.S.. How is this going to work? Pelosi, Schumer, and the gang might have to be woken up and go on Tic-Toc to make a decision about what to advise Biden but the ICBMs will be here by the time I am through writing this. Schumer, Kaine and 3.45% Kamala are all pissed that Biden didn't warn them in time that he was going to bomb Syria. Imagine how mad they would be if he pushed the nuke button without involving them.

Speaking of free speech and Democrats trying to have some contol of the button, I couldn't find this Biden clip of his Texas visit on YouTube but if you don't like my alternate source, fast forward 31 seconds to hear Pres. Biden say the following: "Joe Biden: "Lizzie Panilli, uh, excuse me, Pannill, and uh, what am I doing here? I’m going to lose track here. And, uh… Mayor Turner… My family spent a lot of time here in Houston by the way. And, uh, hey John Eddy, how are you buddy I didn’t see you there?… I could be known for as president. I would be the end, the president who end during his era ended cancer as we know it. [[cough)"