Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post
Most polls reflect that close to 60% of Americans wanted Donald Trump convicted. His post-election campaign of lies and personal campaigning in the Georgia Senate race resulted in Georgia going blue. He's now under State investigation for his personal phone calls to two S.O.S., one Governor, and an Attorney General towards trying to 'influence' an election. He lied about the reason for calling 3 GOP House reps from Michigan to the White House. He initially lied about the severity of the pandemic that's resulted in 450,000 dead, refusing to wear a mask, and encouraging others to do the same. We now know he misled the American public about the severity of his own illness, as his steroid filled lungs sucked air on the White House portico. He threw the most loyal Vice-President in my political lifetime under the bus and literally left him for dead. We just watched his impeachment trial tear his party apart, ending with the GOP Senate leader of his own party literally ripping the guy to shreds [[ I take it Mitch won't be golfing @ Maralago any time soon). Other Republicans of a 'normal' non-Q-anon ilk have joined in, including 7 GOP Senators who voted him guilty.

Yet I still hear Republicans claim that Donald Trump will be a viable candidate for another run at the Presidency in 2024. As a registered Democrat I hope it happens, I can't wait, and I'm excited to watch it all unfold like a faded and well-worn MAGA flag.
This reminds me of the CBS interviewer that was laughing in glee and salivating over Trumps financial ruin,because revenue was down at Trump cash cow of his Trump towers in Manhattan and California,had severe revenue losses during the rona virus pandemic.

He only actually owns 30% of those buildings and she was laughing and salivating also about the millions of Americans that also suffered under the rona virus.

It’s all like a big rumor machine and people believing because they say so it is fact.

The Republican Party is not in decline or falling,who cares what the polls say,I could do a poll here,where 95% are liberal,on how many think Trump sucks and it would play out like 95% in the country thinks Trump sucks.

Not because he does,because people want to believe he does.

The republicans making the most anti Trump noise are termed out,who knows motive,maybe they are thinking of flipping to the dark side of liberalism and trying to garner support.

Key word being motive.

Because there always is one outside of the facade that we are being shown.

You guys are so worried about the republicans but your party has been throwing spaghetti at the wall for 4 years,always ending up in failure.

So who really is the problem?