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  1. #1

    Default Cult of Scientology is coming to Detroit

    Good that the Standard Savings and Loan building is being renovated but negative trade-off is that its by a shady organization. What are people's thoughts on this?


  2. #2


    Happy that a building will be renovated, but skeptical about the organization and what it will look like when it's finished.

  3. #3


    ^^ An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?

    Prevent the infestation before it begins.

  4. #4


    "...the church has expanded more in the last decade than it had in the previous 50 years combined."

    "Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath".... will dwindle those numbers, I'm sure... season 2 is set to play later this year. I like her dedication.

    Interestingly enough Scientology is forbidden in Germany, because it is considered a cult there. Tom Cruise may not even go there to visit.

    Last edited by Gistok; July-19-17 at 05:38 PM.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Zads07 View Post
    Happy that a building will be renovated, but skeptical about the organization and what it will look like when it's finished.
    City Council has already nixed a Scientology sign to replace the Raymond James sign.

  6. #6


    They've been talking about this for years...

  7. #7


    Maybe Tom Cruise will stop by

  8. #8


    The joke went something like.......

    Q: What's holding up the publication of "The Last Dangerous Visions"?

    A: Harlen is waiting on a story re-write from L. Ron Hubbard.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by hybridy View Post
    They've been talking about this for years...
    The rant in the comments section from "Diamonddille" tells you all you need to know about Scientologists. Please get a real tenant in this prime property.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by hybridy View Post
    They've been talking about this for years...
    From that article:
    Between the signage, the tall stack of air conditioners roof deck railing, the design could end up looking [[at least from some angels) like an ugly new haircut.
    Is the bolded an unintentional typo or some kind of religious pun? Sincerely.

  11. #11


    Religion is bunk. With apologies to Henry Ford.

  12. #12


    Why is it that I know next to nothing about Scientology but already I know it's a load of rubbish? Anyway, I've never seen Scientology do anything by way of community social care that other religions do, assuming Scientology is a 'religion', which it isn't.

    Hubbard should have stuck with being a science fiction writer, which he did before starting his church, but obviously the church paid better.

    There are some good documentary videos on YouTube from film-makers who've examined this oddball cult.

    Tom Cruise has been in some fabulous films and always seems like a nice guy, but that all goes out the window on every occasion where he has spoken about Scientology. A big zero.

    A recent Scientology documentary called 'Prison of Belief' made many waves. You can find snippets and clips on YouTube.

  13. #13


    He would have been a kid back when that giant Dianetics sign [[L Ron Hubbards manifesto ala ideas and practices of Scientology) once flanked in boldface marquee style on one of the southeast buildings downtown back in the late 70's.

    Anyone recall that building? Seems like it was near the Kern block as I recall............

    Quote Originally Posted by clubboss View Post
    Maybe Tom Cruise will stop by
    Last edited by Zacha341; July-19-17 at 10:40 PM.

  14. #14


    From what I've gleaned from various documentaries:

    For the church to maintain it's nonprofit status with the IRS [[and prevent a 10s to 100s of millions of dollars tax bill) they need to show they are spending money on "church operations" and not just funding really nice lifestyles for it's CEOs. So every few years they renovate some office space into a new "org" which is what they call a church. There's a big grand opening party, some people show up for it, then the office is left mostly empty as there aren't that many people in the church itself. At least they are pretty good at maintaining their properties.

  15. #15


    Taxpayers lose and vulnerable people subject to getting sucked in by this ridiculous organization in which the government does little about even though there is all kinds of evidence. Don't need this in Downtown Detroit. Booooo!

  16. #16


    This was inevitable. With the dramatic resurgence of this thin slice of the city, scientology was sure to follow.
    They move to where the money is, then thrive on that money, tax free.
    They simply waited for the right time.
    I think they have owned the building for quite a while.
    Last edited by Bobl; July-20-17 at 03:35 PM.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Bobl View Post
    This was inevitable. With the dramatic resurgence of this thin slice of the city, scientology was sure to follow.
    They move to where the money is, then thrive on that money, tax free.
    They simply waited for the right time.
    I think they have owned the building for quite a while.
    On top of that, you have a city full of defeated, depressed and downtrodden people who could easily be influenced by their crap.

  18. #18


    Ima gonna found a religion and call it Scientography.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by JBMcB View Post
    So every few years they renovate some office space into a new "org" which is what they call a church.
    Perhaps they meant 'ork' or 'egg', or maybe 'org' is a morph of the two?

    Name:  1411501383657_wps_49_image003_png.jpg
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  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    Perhaps they meant 'ork' or 'egg', or maybe 'org' is a morph of the two?

    Name:  1411501383657_wps_49_image003_png.jpg
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    They spend a whole lot of time thinking about stuff like that. Remember that for them, it is crucial that people believe in a system that seems logical. They resort to the rational side of the brain and use every possible angle to lure potential members. In that view, they put forth believable elements like the fiction you evoke where the character Mork is dressed in a red jumpsuit and silver gloves and boots breaking out of a giant egg. It is hard for any reasonable human to resist this kind of strong visual content.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by 313WX View Post
    On top of that, you have a city full of defeated, depressed and downtrodden people who could easily be influenced by their crap.
    Yes, rather like the christians did with the slaves, in this country.
    Illogical, but it works.

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by MizMotown View Post
    Taxpayers lose and vulnerable people subject to getting sucked in by this ridiculous organization in which the government does little about even though there is all kinds of evidence. Don't need this in Downtown Detroit. Booooo!
    Give them hell when they stop you on the street and try to recruit you or lure you into their building for the 'personality test' on the quack-o-meter. Then direct them to this D-Yes thread so they can get some community feedback.

  23. #23


    They've been here for years. There was a "church" on the corner of Kercheval and Ashland on the east side in when I lived there in the early sixties; I think that it is still there.

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by ct_alum View Post
    They've been here for years. There was a "church" on the corner of Kercheval and Ashland on the east side in when I lived there in the early sixties; I think that it is still there.
    You're thinking of the Sixth Church of Christ, Scientist. A bit more mainstream though still pretty out there. Not exactly a cult, but outside of Christian orthodoxy.

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by night-timer View Post
    Give them hell when they stop you on the street and try to recruit you

    I was thinking of recruiting the Hare Krishnas to chant and dance outside their lobby/entrance.

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