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  1. #1

    Default Stay On Daylight Savings Time?

    I'm all for this to have the sun up until almost 10pm at the height of summer, but what about in winter when surrounding states fall back?

    We will be an hour ahead of the east coast and 2 hours ahead of our neighbors to the immediate west.

    Do these time differences even matter anymore? There's a movement to put the entire world on the same time.

    It will be noon everywhere, but what people do at noon everywhere will be vastly different and still depend on the rise and fall of the sun.



  2. #2


    if you're interested in wages and sleep you should read this. the argument being people on the back end of time zones make less wages based on daylight and sleep patterns.



  3. #3


    Please god, keep DST. I don't want the sun waking me up before 5 am.

  4. #4


    Any articles tying a direct link between DST and Con Trails?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by MikeM View Post
    Please god, keep DST. I don't want the sun waking me up before 5 am.
    Sun is nearly always up before 5 a.m. here in Las Vegas. Since Michigan is on the western edge of the time zone, and Nevada is on the eastern edge, there's pretty much a one hour difference in "sun time v. civil time". On the other hand, even on the longest summer day, the sun sets in Las Vegas at 8:01 p.m. And due to the Spring Mountains on the west, the sun actually disappears a half hour before that in much of the valley.

    Don't mind me. I just like to ramble on and on sometimes.

  6. #6


    I've been saying this for years. It's much better to have more daylight in the evening.

  7. #7


    No wonder Michigan has issues that never get solved when a state rep has the time on his hands to get worked up about what time it is then think it's a great idea to take us out of sinc with anyone else.


  8. #8


    I believe there are studies showing there is a lot of lost productivity and accidents during the switch, which is believable and part of the argument for eliminating DST.

    Personally, the lack of sun in the winter is depressing, so if it's going to be dark at 4 instead of 5 I should probably head back south.

  9. #9


    I've always said, I don't care WHICH, just pick either Daylight or Standard and stay with it year round, nationwide.

  10. #10


    I like it the way it is and hate that every year we have to have this dumb conversation.


  11. #11


    Most people don't like it and there are good reasons for getting rid of it, and I think someday everyone will have switched and daylight savings time will become a historical factoid featured in clickbait articles.

    The only reason it's still around is because of coordination problems. If we switch it's more likely that our neighbors will switch.

  12. #12


    A native friend on Walpole Island First Nation once quipped "Only Europeans would believe that cutting material off of one end of a blanket and sewing it on to the opposite end would lengthen the blanket."

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    i used to live in Arizona.

    They don't do this nonsense there. It's SOOOO much nicer.

    Yeah it's a little darker in the mornings,. but you get more done in the day. And you can go out in the evening more of the year without it being pitch dark.

    It's an extra bonus if you collect watches. Not having to set all those twice a year. Or having to reset the clocks in all your cars. Business time clocks. Just setting clocks at work consumes hours every year. And programming the DST dates into time clocks manually? What a mess.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    I've always said, I don't care WHICH, just pick either Daylight or Standard and stay with it year round, nationwide.
    That wouldn't pose a problem. China is on one time zone,.. and it's wider than the USA.

    People in the west just go to work at 10:30.

  15. #15


    Around here, if we stayed on DST all year round, kids would be walking to school in darkness in December and January. And I do like it staying light later in the summer. I'm quite happy with things how they are.

    I'm always surprised by how many people complain about changing the clocks twice a year. Is it really that much of an inconvenience?

  16. #16


    "Only Europeans would believe that cutting material off of one end of a blanket and sewing it on to the opposite end would lengthen the blanket."

    In the winter, you need it longer at the bottom to keep your feet warm.

    In the summer, you need it longer at the top to keep the sun out of your eyes.

  17. #17


    I'm with you on the school kids walking in the dark. It's a problem. So I go with the scene and change clocks, watches the day of during the day, to get it over with. I almost like Fall BACK in November when it feels like you get more sleep. Hah!

    Quote Originally Posted by Király View Post
    Around here, if we stayed on DST all year round, kids would be walking to school in darkness in December and January. And I do like it staying light later in the summer. I'm quite happy with things how they are.

    I'm always surprised by how many people complain about changing the clocks twice a year. Is it really that much of an inconvenience?

  18. #18


    You're allowed. You've paid your dues ...... !

    Quote Originally Posted by Ray1936 View Post
    Sun is nearly always up before 5 a.m. here in Las Vegas. Since Michigan is on the western edge of the time zone, and Nevada is on the eastern edge, there's pretty much a one hour difference in "sun time v. civil time". On the other hand, even on the longest summer day, the sun sets in Las Vegas at 8:01 p.m. And due to the Spring Mountains on the west, the sun actually disappears a half hour before that in much of the valley.

    Don't mind me. I just like to ramble on and on sometimes.
    Last edited by Zacha341; March-11-17 at 09:27 AM.

  19. #19


    They can always start school an hour later. Those that are most affected can change their own schedules if they choose without affecting everyone else.

  20. #20


    ^^^ Then school would have to let out later, causing additional problems. No easy solution.

    They have moved school hours up to a 7:30 vs 8:00 AM start, but not later.
    Last edited by Zacha341; March-11-17 at 11:27 AM.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    i used to live in Arizona.

    They don't do this nonsense there. It's SOOOO much nicer.

    Yeah it's a little darker in the mornings,. but you get more done in the day. And you can go out in the evening more of the year without it being pitch dark.

    It's an extra bonus if you collect watches. Not having to set all those twice a year. Or having to reset the clocks in all your cars. Business time clocks. Just setting clocks at work consumes hours every year. And programming the DST dates into time clocks manually? What a mess.
    Except for the Navajo Rez, which does recognize DST.

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by jiminnm View Post
    Except for the Navajo Rez, which does recognize DST.
    But wait! There's more to the story: Daylight Saving Time Explained.

    Seven clock changes in 100 miles. LOL!

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Bobl View Post
    A native friend on Walpole Island First Nation once quipped "Only Europeans would believe that cutting material off of one end of a blanket and sewing it on to the opposite end would lengthen the blanket."
    This is great. I'm among those who think DST is stupid. I think we should stay on the same time all year long and don't much care if it's standard time or DST. I don't however think Michigan should get out of sync with surrounding areas. I just wish the whole country, and even the whole world would stop with this changing clocks twice a year.

  24. #24


    many many ago, growing up by Traverse, we didn't switch times,
    found out people were bitching. we end up being on Central time, the biggest complaint was now the tv shows were on an hour earlier, so if tv show was at nine it now was on at 8 needlest to say, people wanted back on dst

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    ^^^ Then school would have to let out later, causing additional problems. No easy solution.

    They have moved school hours up to a 7:30 vs 8:00 AM start, but not later.

    School SHOULD start later.

    The evidence is conclusive that children don't learn nearly as well when they're woken up at 6:30 as they do if woken up at 8. School for first grade through 8th grade should be moved 1-2 hours later.

    Then we can stop with this nonsense of DST [[begun so farmers in 1918 could get more harvesting done).

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