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  1. #1

    Default National Innovation Institue in Corktown

    UPDATED Discussion here >>
    Looks like Corktown poached the National Innovation Institute from Canton and they're moving in right next door to Gilbert's new tech center. Another big boost for Corktown!


  2. #2


    this thing better look like houses with retail and no parking, or else I reject this investment in Detroit.

  3. #3


  4. #4


    I wonder what led to the change from Canton to Detroit? I think its great news that they will be re- purposing 100,000 sq feet of vacant space in the city.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroiterOnTheWestCoast View Post
    I wonder what led to the change from Canton to Detroit? I think its great news that they will be re- purposing 100,000 sq feet of vacant space in the city.
    Have you ever been to Canton?

  6. #6


    They should go to Canton. This is not walkable!!!!!

  7. #7
    GUSHI Guest


    People need to stop hating on the suburbs, most of Detroit is build like the suburbs,

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by GUSHI View Post
    People need to stop hating on the suburbs, most of Detroit is build like the suburbs,
    I was specifically hating on Canton, which is one of the most hideous places I have ever been. Detroit has some nice suburbs, but I don't think Canton is one of them.

    And, while much of Detroit may indeed be built like [[some) suburbs, Corktown isn't, and I can't think of any part of Detroit which is built like Canton, thank goodness.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by mwilbert View Post
    I was specifically hating on Canton, which is one of the most hideous places I have ever been. Detroit has some nice suburbs, but I don't think Canton is one of them.

    And, while much of Detroit may indeed be built like [[some) suburbs, Corktown isn't, and I can't think of any part of Detroit which is built like Canton, thank goodness.
    The lower east side, south of Jefferson [[specifically Jefferson Village).

  10. #10


    And in fact, if Detroit were to grow in population again, most of those vacant areas will likely be built akin to what's in Canton versus what was previously on those vacant lots.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by 313WX View Post
    And in fact, if Detroit were to grow in population again, most of those vacant areas will likely be built akin to what's in Canton versus what was previously on those vacant lots.
    If they were redeveloped now, you might be right, but I don't really think the larger vacant areas will be redeveloped for a long time, and by the time they are, people won't be building things that look like Canton anymore.
    Last edited by mwilbert; May-22-14 at 12:01 AM.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by 313WX View Post
    The lower east side, south of Jefferson [[specifically Jefferson Village).
    I'll check it out sometime, but I doubt it will look like Canton. If nothing else, there isn't enough of it. By "built like", I wasn't referring to the actual construction of the houses, but to the overall feel of the place, including all the physical features, which includes the houses but isn't limited to them.
    Last edited by mwilbert; May-22-14 at 12:01 AM.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by mwilbert View Post
    I was specifically hating on Canton, which is one of the most hideous places I have ever been. Detroit has some nice suburbs, but I don't think Canton is one of them.

    And, while much of Detroit may indeed be built like [[some) suburbs, Corktown isn't, and I can't think of any part of Detroit which is built like Canton, thank goodness.
    I don't think many cities or towns are hideous. Different places cater to different people's tastes and needs. Birmingham has a different lifestyle than Midtown, which is different than Canton or Ann Arbor or Mount Clemens. What would be terrible is if they were all alike. While Canton is not where I would choose to live, I can see why some people would choose it. I like a lot of suburbs; I prefer to live in the city, but that is not due to any dislike of suburbs.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by dmike76 View Post
    Looks like Corktown poached the National Innovation Institute from Canton and they're moving in right next door to Gilbert's new tech center. Another big boost for Corktown!

    I could see this happening on the eastside as well.

  15. #15


    The Grand Army of the Republic [[GAR) Post in Canton was named after my great-great uncle, Reuben Cory. He served in the 24th Michigan Infantry of the famous Iron Brigade. He fought at Chancellorsville, Gettysburg [[73% casualties), Mine Run, The Wilderness, and Spottsylvania Courthouse [[where Uncle Reuben was KIA).

  16. #16


    I'm sorry to get a bit off topic, but the article also mentions "over the summer and fall, several new restaurants and bars are coming to Corktown, including Gold Cash Gold at Michigan and Wabash; Social Sushi and an adjoining public space at Michigan and 16th Street near the Michigan Central Depot; Our/Detroit, a 35-seat vodka bar at Bagley and 18th Street; and Rubbed, a 35-seat restaurant on Michigan, between Vermont and Wabash." I knew about Rubbed and Gold Cash Gold, but this is the first I'm hearing about the others....very exciting!!

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by MikeyinBrooklyn View Post
    I don't think many cities or towns are hideous. Different places cater to different people's tastes and needs.
    I'm not suggesting there isn't a reason places like Canton exist. Many people don't care what things look like, or aren't willing to pay a premium to live someplace better-looking. I'm just not one of those people.

  18. #18


    I believe Canton's motto is: We have no character and pretty much suck but hey, we're safer than Detroit, newer than Livonia and have an IKEA.

  19. #19


    This is really great news; thanks for sharing.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroiterOnTheWestCoast View Post
    I wonder what led to the change from Canton to Detroit?
    According to Crain's, the landlord in Canton leased the planned spaced to another company before the Innovation Institute got financing from the US Department of Defense. The location would have been in the Michigan Avenue/275 area.

    The article also mentions that they're still looking at another possible Canton location as well as the Corktown location.


  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by dmike76 View Post
    Looks like Corktown poached the National Innovation Institute from Canton...
    I think I get your meaning, and it's a great development, but two things:

    1. "Corktown" didn't poach it; the city and/or its various development organizations did. The Michigan Avenue corridor just happened to be where there was a usable site.

    2. It's technically the West Side Industrial District; most of what you know as "Corktown" was urban-renewed out of existence, and city documents refer to the WSID as "the [artist] formerly known as Corktown" [[fortunately the next step was not a symbol). As to the residential area that was left, I think they finally relented and called it Corktown again after it was considered historic.

    The irony of all of this, though, is that had all of those frame houses not been demolished in the 1950s and 1960s [[after Black Bottom, Corktown was considered to have the worst housing stock), today it would be just another bombed out neighborhood that would make it easier to justify siting in Canton.


  22. #22


    YAY Gilbert, YAY Duggan!!

  23. #23


    Poaching is the wrong word that has a negative connotation. I'm thrilled that this development is happening in Detroit.

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by dmike76 View Post
    Poaching is the wrong word that has a negative connotation. I'm thrilled that this development is happening in Detroit.
    This happens all the time. It is reality. What is the right word?

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Huggybear View Post
    The irony of all of this, though, is that had all of those frame houses not been demolished in the 1950s and 1960s [[after Black Bottom, Corktown was considered to have the worst housing stock), today it would be just another bombed out neighborhood that would make it easier to justify siting in Canton.
    I'll agree with everything except this last part. Corktown currently has one of the highest price/sqft sales in all the city. It's possible the WSI area would raised supply in this area diminishing demand, but some pretty cool houses were demolished down there. The Corktown that stands today wasn't anymore special, looking at history it appears to just be "what was left over" when they were done demolishing.

    Here are some of the more impressive buildings from the WDI. Many masory structures that are bigger/more beautiful than the clapboard houses that remain.

    A good writeup on the WID by my buddy, http://corktownhistory.blogspot.com/...ndustrial.html

    Ironically I was born and raised in Canton and now own a house in Corktown

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