Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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  1. #1

    Default Heard the Hudson Site Plan Today.

    I'm keeping their name discrete, but they told me that two towers- one office, one residential- will be connected with a mall. They mentioned about 18 or 25 stories tall, but I can't remember. That is all.

  2. #2



  3. #3
    DarkestbeforedawnDetroit Guest


    I don't mean to sound cynical but I'll get excited when i see what it looks like.If they ignore the ignore the international design ideas I'm going to be PISSED. This needs to be unique, not only for Detroit but the United States.

  4. #4


    " will be connected with a mall."

    Did I hear mall, I hope they get the right mix of retail

  5. #5


    More details!!!!! I hope its eye catching and well lit.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by dmike76 View Post
    More details!!!!! I hope its eye catching and well lit.
    I could be wrong, but they were talking about a roof top park as well.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by 48205to24 View Post
    " will be connected with a mall."

    Did I hear mall, I hope they get the right mix of retail
    I hope it's atleast 3-5 floors of retail, local and national restaurants. Gilbert did mention over 80 retailers signed leased already, no telling how many is planned now. This is big news! Woodward will become that shopping district we wished for. Can't wait til 2015..

    I hope it look similar to this building in L.A, of course not as tall. Look at the unique Apple Store. The Hudson site has the potential to become really innovative and unique, something never seen in America.



    Last edited by gthomas; July-06-13 at 06:43 PM.

  8. #8


    Honestly I hope the retail is capped at 2 floors. We still have plenty of empty storefronts down Woodward.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by BasementBeat View Post
    Honestly I hope the retail is capped at 2 floors. We still have plenty of empty storefronts down Woodward.
    Those storefronts are part of the plan, Gilbert also owns most of the buildings along both sides of Woodward from Jefferson to Grand Circus Park. Which is GUARANTEED to have ground-floor retail along with the Hudson Site.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by BasementBeat View Post
    Honestly I hope the retail is capped at 2 floors. We still have plenty of empty storefronts down Woodward.
    I agree that 2 floors would be good. Much rather spread the retail around. I personally like the idea of an office tower and a residential tower, to get a mix of daily activity with workers and evening/weekend activity with residents. I've always though some hotel space would be nice too, but with the Ponch back and the Aloft coming maybe there is not much need for that.

  11. #11


    You guys are great. I get the Sunday Funnies here every week now.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    I heard it will be 200 floors, with a Four Seasons, St. Regis, a Waldorf, the relocated Apple HQ and Facebook HQ, and $50 million luxury condos curated by Giorgio Armani. Also heard that Somerset is closing and relocating to the new complex.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    I heard it will be 200 floors, with a Four Seasons, St. Regis, a Waldorf, the relocated Apple HQ and Facebook HQ, and $50 million luxury condos curated by Giorgio Armani. Also heard that Somerset is closing and relocating to the new complex.
    You forgot about the House of Blues, Cheesecake Factory and Hooters! I also heard that both Ford and Chrysler are bidding to put their HQ on Hudson's Block!

  14. #14


    I love posting examples [[potentially) of what we can expect to see on the Hudson site, just random two buildings in random cities.

    This is classy, a little.

    This is pretty cool!

    I love the different storefront facades.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroitPlanner View Post
    You forgot about the House of Blues, Cheesecake Factory and Hooters! I also heard that both Ford and Chrysler are bidding to put their HQ on Hudson's Block!
    ...As long as there's a Blackfinn, I'm in like Flynn.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by gthomas View Post
    Those storefronts are part of the plan, Gilbert also owns most of the buildings along both sides of Woodward from Jefferson to Grand Circus Park. Which is GUARANTEED to have ground-floor retail along with the Hudson Site.
    and thousands of interns during the summer.


    “There’s a massive, wildfire interest in Detroit,” Gilbert said. “Detroit sells."

  17. #17


    Our own little Eaton Centre [[Toronto)

  18. #18


    Rumor Volat!

  19. #19


    Can we make sure we get a Bar Louie along with that Blackfinn? O'Tooles and Toby Keith's I <3 This Bar and Grill would be nice too, but that might be a stretch.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by BasementBeat View Post
    Honestly I hope the retail is capped at 2 floors. We still have plenty of empty storefronts down Woodward.
    If it's not built to be a self-contained bunker like the Ren Cen then it would help fill those storefronts on Woodward if it can attract big name tenants. If this rumor turns out to be true then it sounds like it'll be a miniature version of New York's Time Warner Center.

  21. #21


    I'm not excited by the LA building. it just seems so...1990. VERY boring architecturally, with the gimmicky LED ribbon compensating for lack of imagination.

    On the other hand, different for different's sake doesn't thrill me either.

    The Marchetti & Pellegrino design has really grown on me. I think it is striking, it pays homage to Detroit's industrial history and it manages to stand out while not sticking out like a sore thumb


  22. #22


    Is a mall with 80+ retailers really viable? We can't keep malls open in many various areas yet we're going to have one in the heart of downtown?

    I'm all for renwal and retail is what we need down there, but wouldn't be better to work on all of the unused retail space we currently have and get it up, rolling and sustainable before throwing more empty space into the mix.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by mkhopper View Post
    Is a mall with 80+ retailers really viable? We can't keep malls open in many various areas yet we're going to have one in the heart of downtown?

    I'm all for renwal and retail is what we need down there, but wouldn't be better to work on all of the unused retail space we currently have and get it up, rolling and sustainable before throwing more empty space into the mix.
    Urban malls have a dismal track record in the U.S., and there's no chance of an urban mall in downtown Detroit.

    They often fail in far stronger cities. Ever seen the Block 37 disaster in downtown Chicago?
    Last edited by Bham1982; July-08-13 at 02:27 PM.

  24. #24


    Why do we want people on the street? They should be inside, in a mall. Malls have a great track record of attracting young people and are growing by ... oh, wait. Oh shit ...


  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by iheartthed View Post
    If it's not built to be a self-contained bunker like the Ren Cen then it would help fill those storefronts on Woodward if it can attract big name tenants. If this rumor turns out to be true then it sounds like it'll be a miniature version of New York's Time Warner Center.
    Yes, that will be cool, I've been to the Time Warner Center..loved it!

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