Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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  1. #1

    Default Cafe D'Mongo's Owner Attacked by Vandals

  2. #2


    Artists! Not vandals.

    Enough is enough with these little tagger punks. At least now we can see them for the petty criminal scum they really are. These hipster assholes would find themselves on the receiving end of my bayonet if they tried to valdalize my shit like that.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by poobert View Post
    Artists! Not vandals.

    Enough is enough with these little tagger punks. At least now we can see them for the petty criminal scum they really are. These hipster assholes would find themselves on the receiving end of my bayonet if they tried to valdalize my shit like that.
    Not to make light of it, but the thought of someone rolling through town with a fixed bayonet is funny to me.

  4. #4

    Default POS taggers assault Larry Mongo

    Let's see some of our local tagger lovers defend these little punks. Hopefully next time someone catches ones of them they put the little punks in the hospital. Preferably with injuries bad enough that it will make some of the punks reconsider having their fun.

    Let's see some of the people here defend these little punks. Now, on the other hand, if anyone knows someone that fits the description it would be nice to turn them in [[or give their names and addresses so we can pay them a visit)

    Per Larry;s facebook page, the description is: "looking for three to four people, two white males about 5ft 10 140 to a 160 lbs one Reddish Blond hair the other dark hair wearing Detroit tiger baseball cap riding fairly new bikes, A young lady lookout person heavy set."


  5. #5


    2 white 20 year olds tagging a synagogue in broad daylight at 7:30 pm in detroit? riding bikes?


  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by compn View Post
    2 white 20 year olds tagging a synagogue in broad daylight at 7:30 pm in detroit? riding bikes?

    Well, to begin with, it's black kids that draw suspicious looks; all others are just "havin' fun".

  7. #7


    Odd that the news report states that no police arrived and an officer clearly states that they did in the comments on the Det News page.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by compn View Post
    2 white 20 year olds tagging a synagogue in broad daylight at 7:30 pm in detroit? riding bikes?

    You find that hard to believe? I don't.

  9. #9


    The dapper owner, Larry Mongo, comes from a well-connected Detroit family – both politically and criminally, depending on the family member in question, by his telling. [[Of course, in Detroit, those career choices are not always mutually exclusive.) D'Mongo's had originally been a classy jazz club, but Mongo was forced to shut his doors in the eighties when the neighborhood got too rough. Instead of selling – which, given Detroit's real estate market, would've likely been impossible – he decided to mothball the place. Then, a few years ago, as young hipster kids began moving back into the city, Mongo decided to reopen his bar as a speakeasy." http://www.mensjournal.com/travel/ci...keasy-20121130

  10. #10


    Ummm, yep. That's usually how that goes.

    Quote Originally Posted by marshamusic View Post
    Well, to begin with, it's black kids that draw suspicious looks; all others are just "havin' fun".

  11. #11


    Seems at one point he had a nice hair salon too. One that was very popular downtown, years ago. I remember the name D'Mongos...

    Quote Originally Posted by Drexciya68 View Post
    The dapper owner, Larry Mongo, comes from a well-connected Detroit family – both politically and criminally, depending on the family member in question, by his telling. [[Of course, in Detroit, those career choices are not always mutually exclusive.) D'Mongo's had originally been a classy jazz club, but Mongo was forced to shut his doors in the eighties when the neighborhood got too rough....

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Seems at one point he had a nice hair salon too. One that was very popular downtown, years ago. I remember the name D'Mongos...
    The salon's still in the Millender Center, whatever it's named now, and doing well.

  13. #13


    What bothers me the most about this story is that he called 911 and no one came.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by dmike76 View Post
    What bothers me the most about this story is that he called 911 and no one came.
    They may have asked him if the assailants had a gun? If not... it probably got pushed down the priority list...

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by dmike76 View Post
    What bothers me the most about this story is that he called 911 and no one came.

    As mentioned above, I'm not so sure that is true. There are comments in the Detroit News article from someone that claims to be a DPD officer that did respond [[He claims within 3 minutes of the call).

    Either there is some type of misunderstanding or someone is not being 100% honest [[Officer?, Reporter? Mongo?).

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by dmike76 View Post
    What bothers me the most about this story is that he called 911 and no one came.
    The first comment in the DetNews users section begs to differ with the reporting, from a police officer himself. THE officer who responded first.

    This demands follow-up reporting. Maybe by journalists this time.


  17. #17


    And Jt1 is too old of a poster to have started a second thread on this topic...shame on you for not searching first!

  18. #18


    ha, and Johnny5 beat me to the punch...shame on me for not refreshing the thread before posting my reply...and not mentioning the reply from twelve hours ago here...

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    And Jt1 is too old of a poster to have started a second thread on this topic...shame on you for not searching first!
    Heh, getting old is my excuse for not noticing the first one [[or remembering it if I read it)

  20. #20


    If caught, maybe they can be charged with a hate crime too for attempting to deface a synagogue. Take out a full-page ad in the Metro Times and put their mugshots in there for their little chickenshit buddies to see. Make an example of these freaking punks. Spray painting synagogues and beating up on old men, what a jolly soiree.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by poobert View Post
    If caught, maybe they can be charged with a hate crime too for attempting to deface a synagogue. Take out a full-page ad in the Metro Times and put their mugshots in there for their little chickenshit buddies to see. Make an example of these freaking punks. Spray painting synagogues and beating up on old men, what a jolly soiree.
    But they are young white kids downtown so they must just be having fun. Ya know, if they were black kids, minding their own business walking in the street it would be completely different. In the latter case, the national guard should be called in.

    I'd prefer that people that know Larry find that and hospitalize them over the police catching them and the 36th district court likely giving them a $50 fine or some other joke sentence.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by jt1 View Post
    But they are young white kids downtown so they must just be having fun.
    What's with the straw man argument? I don't see anyone here defending these punks.

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    What's with the straw man argument? I don't see anyone here defending these punks.
    I think the silence is pretty telling. Also the clueless dude from Livonia who is just shocked that white kids are tagging buildings in Detroit in the evening.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by poobert View Post
    I think the silence is pretty telling. Also the clueless dude from Livonia who is just shocked that white kids are tagging buildings in Detroit in the evening.
    What "silence?" It's in the newspapers, and I saw this story on Fox 2 News as well. And aren't you discussing it in a thread devoted to it, like right now? And the universal consensus seems to be "I hope they catch the punks that did this."

    Soooooo, where's the problem again? And one single clueless guy who is surprised at the presence of white people in Detroit is not the same as defending these kids actions as "just having fun." Literally NO ONE is doing that.

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Seems at one point he had a nice hair salon too. One that was very popular downtown, years ago. I remember the name D'Mongos...
    The salons [[there was more than one) were his wife's: Diane Mongo; hence D'Mongo's. Not sure if she's still involved with them.

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