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  1. #1

    Default Federal Transit Administration gives OK to start Woodward rail


    DETROIT, MI -- The Federal Transit Administration has given the go-ahead for construction of a 3.3-mile light rail system along Woodward Avenue from Downtown Detroit to the New Center area.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post

    DETROIT, MI -- The Federal Transit Administration has given the go-ahead for construction of a 3.3-mile light rail system along Woodward Avenue from Downtown Detroit to the New Center area.
    Alright! Can't WAIT to see how the powers that be are going to fuck up this wonderful opportunity!

  3. #3


    What I never could understand is why the plans don't have the parking on the outside of the rail tracks [[see bike lane and parking on New Hampshire Ave in Washington DC) while the latter hugs the curb. The cars would act as a natural buffer to traffic and the M1 plan is to keep parking along Woodward anyway. Would this not be a fairly cheap way to separate the rail?

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by tkelly1986 View Post
    What I never could understand is why the plans don't have the parking on the outside of the rail tracks [[see bike lane and parking on New Hampshire Ave in Washington DC) while the latter hugs the curb. The cars would act as a natural buffer to traffic and the M1 plan is to keep parking along Woodward anyway. Would this not be a fairly cheap way to separate the rail?
    Yes but it would eliminate two driving lanes which they don't ahve permission to do.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by professorscott View Post
    Yes but it would eliminate two driving lanes which they don't ahve permission to do.
    Yeah, where would all the cars go? LOL. Obviously not the obnoxiously wide and empty streets running directly parallel!!! [[face-palm)

  6. #6


    The city of Detroit was granted federal approval to build a light-rail line down Woodward by the Carter administration so that's nothing new.

  7. #7


    3 1/3 miles costs 137 million dollars? I dont get it. Seems more expensive than it should be

  8. #8


    Detroit needs a rickshaw system. Employ the homeless. They get a fare and a tip if they're good.

  9. #9
    Shollin Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by rex View Post
    Detroit needs a rickshaw system. Employ the homeless. They get a fare and a tip if they're good.
    Wasn't there a Seinfeld episode about this?

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by tkelly1986 View Post
    What I never could understand is why the plans don't have the parking on the outside of the rail tracks [[see bike lane and parking on New Hampshire Ave in Washington DC) while the latter hugs the curb. The cars would act as a natural buffer to traffic and the M1 plan is to keep parking along Woodward anyway. Would this not be a fairly cheap way to separate the rail?
    Not a enough room. Like DC, New York, and Chicago, Michigan cities have the same standards for parked vehicles away from the curb. Wherever a person exiting a vehicle from passenger side into an alternative traffic lane, there needs to be a door swing buffer that's hashed out or raised pavement. Streetcars running curbside with a parking buffer is doable, but you need more than 2 lanes to achieve the safe space for passengers exiting a parked car on the right into traffic.

    That mandatory buffer is responsible for making curbside cycle tracks impossible to build. You need the buffer so that a cyclist does not get hit by a car door and that simply ends up in too many traffic lanes getting sacrificed.

  11. #11


    forgot about that seinfeld episode

  12. #12


    Yes there was, and as I remember, it didn't work out too well. LOL

  13. #13


    I hope they can get started soon , like this summer .
    It would be great to see construction on this started sooner rather than later.
    Like I said on an earlier thread , this summer looks to be VERY busy for construction in Downtown/Midtown, With the new rail , the new wings stadium , the Whitney, ect .
    Pack you patience and get read folks !

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by rex View Post
    3 1/3 miles costs 137 million dollars? I dont get it. Seems more expensive than it should be
    Our 7.5-mile light rail line in Houston cost $325M in, so sounds about right.

    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitdave View Post
    I hope they can get started soon , like this summer .
    It would be great to see construction on this started sooner rather than later.
    Like I said on an earlier thread , this summer looks to be VERY busy for construction in Downtown/Midtown, With the new rail , the new wings stadium , the Whitney, ect .
    Pack you patience and get read folks !
    They are supposed to break ground this summer.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitnerd View Post
    Alright! Can't WAIT to see how the powers that be are going to fuck up this wonderful opportunity!
    By building it the way it was designed.

    [[I'm actually happy this is happening, but it is not what it should have been.)

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by rex View Post
    3 1/3 miles costs 137 million dollars? I dont get it. Seems more expensive than it should be
    That cost--$41 million/mile--sounds about right, and is comparable to other systems constructed in the United States. In your opinion, how much should a light rail line cost to construct?

    Recall that, after adjusting for inflation, the People Mover construction cost over $400 million in today's dollars.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by ghettopalmetto View Post
    That cost--$41 million/mile--sounds about right, and is comparable to other systems constructed in the United States. In your opinion, how much should a light rail line cost to construct?

    Recall that, after adjusting for inflation, the People Mover construction cost over $400 million in today's dollars.
    In the old days, you just slapped some tracks down on the dirt streets and people just climbed aboard at the stops. The overhead wire was the big expense in construction and maintenance [[people didn't go for steam locomotives in the streets). Now you have to build "Taj Mahal" stations with full handicapped access and it is expensive..

  18. #18


    In related transit news: the papers announced the very minor DDOT schedule changes taking place, but missed the most important item, which I'll put here verbatim from the DDOT web site:

    "Call our Customer Service Office
    at 313.933.1300 totake a quick survey, as we request youropinion for a PROPOSED Express BusService to and from the City of Detroit to
    Detroit Metro Airport."

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by hortonz View Post
    The city of Detroit was granted federal approval to build a light-rail line down Woodward by the Carter administration so that's nothing new.
    Can you produce the FONSI for this? That is what resulted from yesterday's action. The money has been in place for a while now.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by professorscott View Post
    In related transit news: the papers announced the very minor DDOT schedule changes taking place, but missed the most important item, which I'll put here verbatim from the DDOT web site:

    "Call our Customer Service Office
    at 313.933.1300 totake a quick survey, as we request youropinion for a PROPOSED Express BusService to and from the City of Detroit to
    Detroit Metro Airport."
    Wow, DDOT! Something practical...Can't say I have ever used DDOT, but this would be a nice service. Since I live about 45 minutes on a good day from the airport, it would be nice to pick up a service so I would only need to go downtown. Of course I would use the commuter train as well if that ever gets going...

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