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  1. #1

    Default Question: If water rates increase for Detroiters if Flint parts from DWSD?

    I'm just curious to know if water rates will increase substantially for Detroiters if Flint pulls out and joins Genesee County? How will this affect the City Of Detroit or won't it?



  2. #2


    It is not an if anymore it is happening and was made official yesterday.


    I for one say good riddance my bill has more than tripled almost quadrupled since moving into my house here in Flint six years ago. Double digit increases have been passed along to us by the DWSD every year. From what I understand we pay twice the rate that Oakland county communities do. So you really can't blame Flint for getting out while the getting is good. I expect the next 3 years are going to be hell with rate increases while we build our pipeline.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by illwill View Post
    ...I'm just curious to know if water rates will increase substantially for Detroiters if Flint pulls out and joins Genesee County? How will this affect the City Of Detroit or won't it?
    Upward pressure. Same infrastructure spread over fewer payers. Each accountant and administrator is being paid by fewer people.

    Downward pressure. Losing this deal may bring some humility to DWSD. May cause re-thinking of a few things, which could more than offset upward pressure. Also the reduced distraction of trying to be so big.

    My forecast...rates will be less than they would have been.

  4. #4


    That would be great. How updated are Detroit's water systems and does the city get state or federal dollars to upgrade and maintain the DWSD's infrastructure? I would assume any income lost will make it harder to maintain our outdated system, if that's the case.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by illwill View Post
    That would be great. How updated are Detroit's water systems and does the city get state or federal dollars to upgrade and maintain the DWSD's infrastructure? I would assume any income lost will make it harder to maintain our outdated system, if that's the case.
    But you'll quite possibly also have less to maintain. The coverage of this story is so poor. What does Detroit provide? Just a big pipe at the edge of town? Or do they maintain pipes right up to property lines? Would their authority buy some of Detroit's assets? If not, why not? How much of Detroit's water board debt is tied up in systems that service Flint rather than Detroit? Does Detroit collect most of the revenue, or is their billing as bad as Detroit tax billings? What would be the impact on bonds -- if there is less revenue to the DWSD?

    Lots of questions without answers.

  6. #6


    Very true and good points Wesley.

  7. #7


    And as I recall, Highland Park is "temporarily" utilizing DWSD to fill in for their own "temporary" maintenance. Someone in GP [[Woods?) have more info on that, since they share the same system?

  8. #8


    What is often lost in this and the DWSD never mentions is that either was a new pipeline would have to be built because the transmission line from Detroit is well past its lifetime and needed to be replaced. Just makes a lot more sense for Flint to contribute to building a pipeline that we have partial ownership of.

  9. #9


    Really, the whole setup seems goofy. We pipe fresh water in from Lexington down to Detroit to be processed, then back up to Flint for consumption? You'd think Midland, Flint, Bay City and Saginaw would chip in for their own treatment plant and feed.

  10. #10


    I really don't care if Flint wanted to leave. There is something about controlling your own destiny. However, it would not surprise me if this results in no change in price or increased prices for Flint. Since when have public projects ever cost what it is projected to cost? I wonder what the projected customer base is for the Flint system into the future. It's estimated that metro-Flint has lost 1.7% of their population between 2010 and 2012...so I doubt it will grow or stay level into the future. They will have fewer people to pay for their infrastructure. Hopefully the growing pains will not be too great, and they will see savings.

    In terms of Detroit customers...I have no idea. At quick glance, one would think we would have higher costs. But it shouldn't happen for another 3 years when Flint finally leaves. Also, I just never understood how rates are set anyway...but you can bet there will be pressure to keep rates in check.

  11. #11


    I can't blame them. The DWSD is one of the most inept and incompetent organizations.

  12. #12


    If Detroit water and sewer is all concerned about loosing money. How about getting tough on people who don't pay their water bill and are on illegal connectons all around the city.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by JBMcB View Post
    Really, the whole setup seems goofy. We pipe fresh water in from Lexington down to Detroit to be processed, then back up to Flint for consumption? You'd think Midland, Flint, Bay City and Saginaw would chip in for their own treatment plant and feed.
    Flint's water does not come from Detroit. The pipeline runs straight west from Ft Gratiot, through Imlay City, to Flint's own water treatment plant.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by MikeM View Post
    Flint's water does not come from Detroit. The pipeline runs straight west from Ft Gratiot, through Imlay City, to Flint's own water treatment plant.
    Ah, that makes more sense. It probably also makes more sense for Flint to just run their own pipe, as well.

  15. #15



    Sounds like DWSD got their panties in a bunch and is acting like a jilted lover. Just the start of Detroit jacking our already ridiculous bills up yet again.

  16. #16


    I think it's all going to be put on the backs of property owners. Who else is going to pay for it?

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