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  1. #1

    Default Nike/Niketown Detroit

    Hi all ! I not sure this has been mention here but .

    I have it on pretty good authority that Nike / Nike town is coming to Downtown Detroit !
    If this does happen this would be great for Downtown. Even better than , dare I say, than cheesecake factory !

    This would be the only store in the state for sure, and destination for the region.

    Any thoughts ?

  2. #2


    This [[thread) will be good.

  3. #3


    Oh boy. Here we go again.

  4. #4


    LOL I can remember the last Niketown we had. It was little more than a room in a storefront that sold god-awful looking shoes and clothes that were over priced.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Nike hasn't built a Niketown in well over a decade. There are only a few Niketowns in the world. Manhattan, Beverly Hills, and one or two others.

    Unless Gilbert is paying Nike a bajillion dollars to restart the brand, I say your sources are wrong.
    Last edited by Bham1982; April-10-13 at 08:23 AM.

  6. #6


    That was NEVER a Nike /Niketown store, that was a athlete's foot, they only carried Nike stuff.
    This store would be from NIKE the company.
    Also to all the pessimist , the SAME thing was said about one Whole Foods ."they will never build a Whole Foods in Detroit what are they crazy" , Well drive by Woodward and Mack and get back at me !
    BTW the lights are on at Whole Foods and the sign is lit up !

    WHAT ? a few locations ? uh I don't think so
    Most of those are outlet stores but SEVERAL are actual stores.
    If and it's a big IF, Downtown got a store ,not an outlet, that would be spades !
    Stranger things have happen in Downtown Detroit
    Last edited by Detroitdave; April-10-13 at 08:32 AM.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroitPlanner View Post
    LOL I can remember the last Niketown we had. It was little more than a room in a storefront that sold god-awful looking shoes and clothes that were over priced.
    Detroit has never had a Niketown.


  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitdave View Post
    WHAT ? a few locations ? uh I don't think so
    There are only five Niketowns in the country [[world?): NYC, LA, SF, Boston and Seattle.
    Last edited by iheartthed; April-10-13 at 08:42 AM.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitdave View Post
    Hi all ! I not sure this has been mention here but .

    I have it on pretty good authority that Nike / Nike town is coming to Downtown Detroit !
    If this does happen this would be great for Downtown. Even better than , dare I say, than cheesecake factory !

    This would be the only store in the state for sure, and destination for the region.

    Any thoughts ?
    Good news if true, but we it needs to be next to mossejaw or something, I hope they dont spread it out to much.

    Also, what is your source, if you cant tell the name what is the level of in the know of said source.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitdave View Post
    Also to all the pessimist , the SAME thing was said about one Whole Foods ."they will never build a Whole Foods in Detroit what are they crazy"
    Yeah, but that's before we know we were getting a mini-Whole Foods, and that taxpayers were footing the bill. Whole Foods' business strategy doesn't really contradict the naysayers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitdave View Post
    WHAT ? a few locations ? uh I don't think so
    I'm on the official Nike site, and I count five Niketown locations-

    Beverly Hills
    San Francisco


  11. #11


    As was mentioned there's a difference between the flagship style Niketown's and the regular Nike stores which you find in malls and outlet locations everywhere. These stores are similar to a Champs. I'm guessing, if true, it will be a regular Nike.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by 401don View Post
    As was mentioned there's a difference between the flagship style Niketown's and the regular Nike stores which you find in malls and outlet locations everywhere. These stores are similar to a Champs. I'm guessing, if true, it will be a regular Nike.
    Yeah, if true, it will very likely be a Nike store. It's still a nice draw to downtown Detroit since there are no Nike retail stores in Michigan either, other than the outlet stores. A Niketown, however, is an entirely different beast. Chicago doesn't even have one...

  13. #13
    Shollin Guest


    What is a Niketown and what makes it different than a regular Nike outlet?

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Yeah, but that's before we know we were getting a mini-Whole Foods, and that taxpayers were footing the bill. Whole Foods' business strategy doesn't really contradict the naysayers.

    I'm on the official Nike site, and I count five Niketown locations-

    Beverly Hills
    San Francisco

    I thought for sure Chicago had one. I guess not.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    I thought for sure Chicago had one. I guess not.
    They still do

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    I thought for sure Chicago had one. I guess not.
    We had one in Chicago on the Mag Mile.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    I thought for sure Chicago had one. I guess not.
    The Chicago Niketown may have been the first, I think. In 2012 it moved down the street a bit and re-opened recently.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Shollin View Post
    What is a Niketown and what makes it different than a regular Nike outlet?
    It's like a shoe megastore or mini department store. Pretty much all Nike products, in a multilevel, flagship-style setting.

    I would say the bigger Niketowns are over 100,000 square feet. A typical shoe store is maybe 1,000 square feet.

  19. #19


    I hope that this is true. Merchants Row was on the decline when Athletes Foot was there. My friend want to see Computer Creek, Dress Barn, or Talbots downtown

  20. #20


    If it's an actual outlet store, it may do well in a city like Detroit.

    Consider that you have a huge market of people [[mainly black people) that they cater to around the store with the hip hop culture and all. These athletic shoe stores are about the only retailers that seem to do modestly well in the city.

    But again, they'll need to have a unique selection of [[unique from Footlocker/Finish Line/Mr. Alan's) if they expect folks from the neighborhoods to track all the way down there to shop.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by stasu1213 View Post
    I hope that this is true. Merchants Row was on the decline when Athletes Foot was there. My friend want to see Computer Creek, Dress Barn, or Talbots downtown
    About 10 years ago, there was a Dress Barn on Congress between Griswold and Shelby.

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by stasu1213 View Post
    I hope that this is true. Merchants Row was on the decline when Athletes Foot was there. My friend want to see Computer Creek, Dress Barn, or Talbots downtown
    yeah the only thing Merchants Row has ever lacked was Merchants.

  23. #23
    Shollin Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by 313WX View Post
    If it's an actual outlet store, it may do well in a city like Detroit.

    Consider that you have a huge market of people [[mainly black people) that they cater to around the store with the hip hop culture and all. These athletic shoe stores are about the only retailers that seem to do modestly well in the city.

    But again, they'll need to have a unique selection of [[unique from Footlocker/Finish Line/Mr. Alan's) if they expect folks from the neighborhoods to track all the way down there to shop.
    I always thought an Outlet center like the one in Atlantic City would do well in Detroit. The area between downtown and Midtown where the arena is rumored to be built would be a perfect area.

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    It's like a shoe megastore or mini department store. Pretty much all Nike products, in a multilevel, flagship-style setting.

    I would say the bigger Niketowns are over 100,000 square feet. A typical shoe store is maybe 1,000 square feet.
    I doubt these are 100k in size, but other than that you got it. The one on Michigan in Chicago used to be a Saks, but that was subdivided and part of it became Niketown. It was basically a shrine to Michael Jordan, with lots of 'experiences' such as a basketball court and media.

    They do draw a crowd though. Not sure why, but then again I am not a slave to shoes.

  25. #25
    Shollin Guest


    My kids always wanted a pair of Jordan's but I would never let him have them. I'm sorry but I was a fan of the Bad Boys and no child of mine was going to wear anything that had the Jordan or Bulls name. I didn't even wear Hanes underwear.

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