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  1. #1

    Default Peter Werbe commentary last night on what a Emer. Financial Mgr means to Detroit

    Peter Werbe with a great comm. last night on what the EFM means to Detroit, starts at about min 22

  2. #2


    I remember listening to him in the 70's on WRIF. I had no idea he was still alive. Where's he been the last 30-odd years?

  3. #3


    Thanks for posting that, RB. He always has a great way of breaking it down to where the truth is unavoidable. A great radical voice we should be proud to have.

  4. #4


    I think next week he'll be doing a whole show on the EFM, should be interesting.
    Last edited by RapBrown; March-18-13 at 11:39 AM.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Det_ard View Post
    I remember listening to him in the 70's on WRIF. I had no idea he was still alive. Where's he been the last 30-odd years?
    He's been here along. His Night Call is the longest continuous-running Detroit talk show, probably longest ever, well over 40 years now. I listen to it nearly every week. Great show with refreshing contrarian positions. I like his line, "I'm not Liberal. I'm a radical." Unflinchingly true. [Also he is a good handball player so that makes him score even higher in my estimations.]

  6. #6


    I grew up listening to him on Sunday. At first, as a teen, its was no fun when the music went off and this "guy" started talking. After awhile he really started to grow on me. Never really agree'd but you always got a clear and concise view point.
    Rarely listen anymore, basically I'm in bed by 11. Have to hand it to WRIF with all the change in radio over the years to stick with him.

  7. #7


    His remarks about the problem being the outsourcing of Detroit [[and other cities outsourcing services) to non-union, minimum wage jobs that are no longer living wage jobs are right on the money. If you're old enough to remember you know darn well it was the "Pillars of Capitalism" that sent the jobs first to "Right to Work States" and now to Mexico that are to blame.

    It was never corruption that killed us, it was Capitalism itself, and a lack of tax base. We're on a race to the bottom that just isn't stopping.
    Last edited by RapBrown; March-18-13 at 05:59 PM.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by RapBrown View Post
    His remarks about the problem being the outsourcing of Detroit [[and other cities outsourcing services) to non-union, minimum wage jobs that are no longer living wage jobs are right on the money. If you're old enough to remember you know darn well it was the "Pillars of Capitalism" that sent the jobs first to "Right to Work States" and now to Mexico that are to blame.

    It was never corruption that killed us, it was Capitalism itself, and a lack of tax base. We're on a race to the bottom that just isn't stopping.
    Don't forget that Mexicans are people too. You look down on minimum wages. They look up to them. They deserve a chance too. Eliminating their rungs on the ladder of success in pursuit of your own higher wages is no virtue.

  9. #9


    He told me to worry about my own city and that I shouldn't be commenting on anything Detroit since I don't live in the city. [[I have this in an email from him) It just adds to my confusion as to what he is trying to do. I'm criticized by him for not living in the city, yet, he doesn't either. I've been listening to him for about two years on most Sunday nights now, and I just don't get him. Seems like a smart guy, but it seems like he just ignores things sometimes that go against his views. Ex, he's mad about Detroit getting an EM, yet I rarely heard him complaining about the way the city has been ran which is what has brought us to this.
    Last edited by jerrytimes; April-07-13 at 08:39 AM.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
    Don't forget that Mexicans are people too. You look down on minimum wages. They look up to them. They deserve a chance too. Eliminating their rungs on the ladder of success in pursuit of your own higher wages is no virtue.
    Wesley [[revealing name, by the way), I suspect that you are well aware that there are no rungs left at that end of the "ladder of success." The rungs in the middle are nearly gone now as well. The rungs have all been shifted to the top 1% of the "ladder of success."

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    Wesley [[revealing name, by the way), I suspect that you are well aware that there are no rungs left at that end of the "ladder of success." The rungs in the middle are nearly gone now as well. The rungs have all been shifted to the top 1% of the "ladder of success."
    I agree with you. The question is why. What policies allow unnatural concentration of wealth? The conventional argument is that it is corporate and banking interests. And there is truth there. But its also true that actions of the left have also created castes of workers and citizens. Tell me what percentage of Union dues are spend on charitable work in the community? The rhetoric of caring about workers is there, but I don't see the real care.

    Werbe? I've only listened a little. Sounds like a Rush Limbaugh of the left to me. Warm fuzzy sounds of nonsense to those with closed minds.
    Last edited by Wesley Mouch; April-07-13 at 10:08 AM.

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