Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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  1. #1

    Default Maynard the talking Xmas tree

    There was a post by "Crawford" in the archives asking about Maynard the talking Christmas tree at Somerset Mall. There indeed was a Maynard, my brother and I were the voice you heard when you entered the mall and walked by the tree. We were inside and able to see who was walking by, and would wish happy holidays or some such greeting, and talk to the shoppers. Maynard was a politically correct tree with no preference to race, religion or gender. Way ahead of his time! Peg Dubois was the manager of the mall at that time and came up with the idea.I hope this gets to "Crawford".

  2. #2


    Thanks for clearing that up. Hope Gannon is reading your post. Read my lips; There is no such a thing as an "actual" talking tree.

    Bt this reminds me of that talking robot in 1990 at Detroit international Airport, the only time I was in the city, and was accosted by the finest manifestation of cybernetic humor this side of Hollywood. The robot would engage with travelers on a personal note and was a great addition to the waiting areas.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Thanks for clearing that up. Hope Gannon is reading your post. Read my lips; There is no such a thing as an "actual" talking tree.
    Whispering pines and quaking aspens would beg to differ.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Brich View Post
    Whispering pines and quaking aspens would beg to differ.
    Yes, but that is in the realm of poetry, I have yet to find evidence of conversational ability in a sylvan stand. Trees are good natured for the most part, but lack the grace and skill of a human when it comes to talk. There are so many of them and yet, no speech, just breeze and whirring sounds. How can anyone confound that for true human talk?

  5. #5


    You must broaden your horizons when conversing with trees. I've lost my touch, but in younger years I could literally walk blindfolded through a forest without hitting a single thing or tripping over a root [[I won several bets that way). The trees told me where they were, when to turn right or left. I had a much closer relationship to the trees and the earth back then. I blame shoes

  6. #6


    The old ones say if you are troubled, walk up to the biggest tree you can find, sit on the earth at its base and lean on its trunk. If you listen just right, the spirit of the tree, the oldest living thing in the vicinity, will talk to you and share the wisdom of its time on the earth.

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