Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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  1. #1

    Default Officially Official: Meter Maids ticketing until 10 on Saturdays.

    Now, if only the person managing parking enforcement would manage mass transit for Detroit, I could have left my car at home to begin with...

    It's not so much the fine, but how dare they *actually* ticket on a Saturday? Com'on!

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  2. #2


    We were worried when we parked on Lothrop to visit Cuisine for Detroit Restaurant Week - no matter how much you put in the meter it would only say "6." Not minutes/seconds/hours/whatever - just "6." Turns out none of the meters on that stretch of road worked, either.

    The management assured us that metered parking isn't enforced on the weekends, and it wasn't.

  3. #3


    I would never park on the street downtown or new center anyway.

  4. #4


    It seems like checking meters until 10:00, although there may be a temporary uptick in ticket revenues, would ultimately have an adverse effect on the downtown area's businesses. I understand the City's precarious financial situation but in an era when many cities [[small cities admittedly) are eliminating parking meters altogether in an effort to make their downtowns more attractive to shoppers it seems counterproductive to extend enforcement hours.

  5. #5


    I don't see why they wouldn't enforce on a Saturday. Illegal park cars are illegal Monday thru Sunday. I applaud the city for doing its job.

  6. #6


    surprised people still park in areas without secure parking anyways. whens the meter maid's car gonna get the radio stolen out of it??

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by compn View Post
    surprised people still park in areas without secure parking anyways. whens the meter maid's car gonna get the radio stolen out of it??
    Yep, we almost always park in a garage or secure lot when we go downtown in the evenings or are attending an event for several hours.

    Cheaper and safer than a parking ticket!!

  8. #8
    Occurrence Guest


    I still have the city's legal department mailing me crap for a ticket I never received. I tried to call and let them know, but the conversation goes nowhere. Screw them.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by ThisIsForTheHeart View Post
    I don't see why they wouldn't enforce on a Saturday. Illegal park cars are illegal Monday thru Sunday. I applaud the city for doing its job.

    Oh bullshit. Look at the REASON behind parking meters in the first place...to move vehicles periodically to allow frontage parking for businesses. During the DAY, this makes sense. At night, when most of those businesses and all of the offices are closed?

    Totally fucking ass-backwards stupid.

    Don't be a lame-brained law-n-order drone...laws are meant to serve the people, not enslave them.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by compn View Post
    surprised people still park in areas without secure parking anyways. whens the meter maid's car gonna get the radio stolen out of it??
    I think distracting them, and having an accomplice fill their locks with superglue or epoxy...and then epoxy their tires to the pavement...would be an effective protest action!

    Then we can weld some boots...

  11. #11


    I still have the city's legal department mailing me crap for a ticket I never received. I tried to call and let them know, but the conversation goes nowhere. Screw them.

    Careful. I once got a ticket I didn't know about, must have blown off or someone took it off my windshield. Anyway, I found out about it when I got a copy of my credit report and saw an $80 balance [[the maximum value of an unpaid ticket) to the City of Detroit had been sent to collections, thus negatively affecting my credit. After I paid it, the report was updated as paid, but it still took two years to come off the report and no longer bring down my credit score.

  12. #12


    There are now more hours for parking enforcement than there are for bus service. Way to be a World Class City, Detroit!

  13. #13


    This City is CRAZY!

  14. #14


    I live in a residential area, unfortunately not so far away from
    the parking enforcers' garage. They come through here toward the end of their shifts and ticket cars for bs reasons. This is
    a dead end street, no pedestrians and yet they will ticket a car for being less than 15 feet from a cross walk - we have no
    driveways, and sometimes a visitor has no choice of where to park when picking up children from a play date. I have to agree with a previous post, let them ticket during the DAY during the Week when parking violations interfere with business being transacted, or fire hydrants. There is no common sense being applied at all, the City remains user unfriendly.

  15. #15


    Great, one less reason for me to visit downtown [[and I enjoy vacationing in Detroit). When are they going to realize that you can't squeeze blood from a stone? I've even seen them writing tickets in the Harper/Morang area, and there is no shortage of parking there.

  16. #16


    I park for free on Woodward [[usually near Warren) all the time and surprisingly have no problems. However, you'll never catch me parking on a side street. They'll find the strangest reasons to give you a ticket.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Occurrence View Post
    I still have the city's legal department mailing me crap for a ticket I never received. I tried to call and let them know, but the conversation goes nowhere. Screw them.
    Unless you're never in Detroit anymore, it's best to deal with it. I got my car booted on some old tickets and had to get a ride from a friend and then pay storage and booting fees for my car.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by scottn55 View Post
    It seems like checking meters until 10:00, although there may be a temporary uptick in ticket revenues, would ultimately have an adverse effect on the downtown area's businesses. I understand the City's precarious financial situation but in an era when many cities [[small cities admittedly) are eliminating parking meters altogether in an effort to make their downtowns more attractive to shoppers it seems counterproductive to extend enforcement hours.
    Right, I was parked over by the Magic Stick, one of two cars on the block, ridic... I'm thinking the guys that run the lot behind the place are in on it, they always seemed like a miserable bunch...

    Quote Originally Posted by compn View Post
    surprised people still park in areas without secure parking anyways. whens the meter maid's car gonna get the radio stolen out of it??
    The only time I *ever* had a problem was when I had some [[empty) boxes for nice cookware in my car, and one random act of vandilism... Urban living 101: don't leave stuff visible in your car, especially if its a chrysler.

  19. #19


    I park on the street pretty often, and the last time I had a break-in was in 2004, back when the Statler Hotel was still standing and Washington Blvd. was a ghost town. Agreed that you never leave anything visible, and I wouldn't park in areas that don't have significant traffic.

  20. #20


    The whole city is ass backwards.

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