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  1. #1

    Default Why are so many people driving slowly?

    It seems to me that a lot of people around these parts are driving really slowly - I mean, 5-10 mph below the speed limit! Worse still, on a road with 2 lanes, both drivers do it, blocking traffic behind them. What gives? Are the speed traps that bad? I don't see any cops around when this happens.

    Is everyone hypermiling except me? I'm driving a slow car [[170hp) too!

    Has anyone, ever, been ticketed for not keeping right if slower traffic?

    It happens so much to me, I figure we could double the surplus in tickets alone.

    Anyone else seeing this??

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by detlump View Post
    It seems to me that a lot of people around these parts are driving really slowly - I mean, 5-10 mph below the speed limit! Worse still, on a road with 2 lanes, both drivers do it, blocking traffic behind them. What gives? Are the speed traps that bad? I don't see any cops around when this happens.

    Is everyone hypermiling except me? I'm driving a slow car [[170hp) too!

    Has anyone, ever, been ticketed for not keeping right if slower traffic?

    It happens so much to me, I figure we could double the surplus in tickets alone.

    Anyone else seeing this??
    Oh my God -- YES. I am on the verge of an aneurysm every day. Pick up the pace people!

  3. #3


    Driving around what parts? Surface streets or freeway? Where?

  4. #4


    Happened to me the other day when two cars we just twiddling their thumbs next to each other. I really do hate passing people on the right, but people need to learn the difference! I find it worse on the surface streets than on the freeways.

    It also irritates me when people slowly merge into the left turn lane.

  5. #5


    Gas prices or stoned, beats wrong way drunks.

  6. #6


    You folks need to chill a bit. I'd rather have folks driving under the speed limit than driving like jackrabbits. That hypermile crack may be why, Everyone knows you can get much better mileage not driving your car hard, have you ever seen what the average wages are around here or the price of gas? Gas has been going up while wages are going down or stagnant. Another reason may be that the cost of speeding tickets are so high that they are avoiding them.

    I do have my pet peeves though. I hate the ones who are driving slow due to yapping on the phone or putting on makeup. Pay attention people! Why are you so important that you have to be yapping on the phone at 7 am? If someone called me that early I'd hang up!

  7. #7


    Yeah I hate this, the worst I've ever seen it is in Chicago, the red lights screw you up more than anything. Another thing I hate is people getting into the left lane and going slow for no reason at all, speed up or get in the other lane. I hate when you'll be on the expressway and the speed limit will say 55 and you know you can get away with doing 80 or more and there are cars clogging the lane going the speed limit or less. I was on the Eisenhower in Chicago and there wasn't much traffic this was on Sunday so not much traffic on a Sunday, an entire pack of cars were in the left lane going about 40 mph, the other two lanes were moving at about 65 mph. That kind of stuff gets me going.

  8. #8
    Ravine Guest


    I think beginning drivers should be taught, in training, to avoid driving alongside of other vehicles. Doing so automatically means that the speed of those two lanes is being dictated, by the two, for everyone behind. If it's a 4-lane highway, that's not quite as bad, but on a 3-lane [[or less, obviously,) it's highly disruptive.
    The bit where folks slowly merge into the turn lane drives me nuts, too. I try to get into the turn lane at the same speed I was doing in the left lane. If that means I am going to need to whack the brakes as soon as I get over there, then I whack the brakes as soon as I get over there.

  9. #9


    Red light cameras all over the Chi and speed cameras are coming next. I want as little interaction with law enforcement as possible.
    A speeding ticket is easily 300 dollars, 80 in a 55 ? What are you driving a Kenne Bell 03 Cobra ? High test is probably $4 a gallon....

  10. #10


    There seem to be a lot of speed traps around lately, too, on the surface streets. If you get a ticket, you are advised to make an appointment with the magistrate to argue your case. If you do that, you go in for your appointment and find about 30 or so other people with the same problem. Each person is offered a plea option for a no point ticket for a somewhat higher fine than the original ticket. If you don't plead, you have to come back for a court date with the judge. Surprise, everybody pleads and pays. I've seen this in Dearborn Heights and heard of it recently in Warren and Berkley. Maybe the slowpokes have been through the mill already.

  11. #11


    SPEED TRAPS: I drive 8 mile to work in the a.m. City police trapping around State Fair grounds.
    Going home state police speed trapping on the north side of 8 mile.

  12. #12


    If you drive 8mile regularly, I'll bet money either Ferndale has nabbed you once or Hazel Park has darted out and damn near sent you sailing through the median pulling over someone doing 5 over coming down the 8 and i-75 bridge.

    I can't stannnd slow drivers in the left lane. I've heard people say, " I don't care, the speed says limit 70, people need to slow down, I don't care if a thousand people have to go around me, i have the right to drive 55 in the left lane, etc." and I just want to smash their face in. People don't realize that when you drive slower than the flow of traffic in the left that you are impeding it and subjecting yourself and everyone going around you to the possibility of a deadly accident.

  13. #13


    It is more efficient to drive 55 mph than to drive 70 or above. I'm a hypermiling advocate, but doing it in the fast [[left) lane of the freeway is not acceptable.

  14. #14
    bartock Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by detlump View Post
    It seems to me that a lot of people around these parts are driving really slowly - I mean, 5-10 mph below the speed limit! Worse still, on a road with 2 lanes, both drivers do it, blocking traffic behind them. What gives? Are the speed traps that bad? I don't see any cops around when this happens.

    Is everyone hypermiling except me? I'm driving a slow car [[170hp) too!

    Has anyone, ever, been ticketed for not keeping right if slower traffic?

    It happens so much to me, I figure we could double the surplus in tickets alone.

    Anyone else seeing this??
    I was thinking that perhaps it has been the mild winter. Our recent lapses into 1-2 day cold snaps and snow dustings have resulted in the "slow drivers." Usually, we have a couple of snows in November/December which result in the same slow-driving situation, but by January/February enough folks are used to it that the majority are driving rationally by this time of year. We haven't had enough bad weather yet.

    [[...and not to jinx it, but I'll put in a pre-emptive rebuttal against the inevitable faux-wit remarks about road infrastructure as an opportunistic ignoring of the actual topic.)

  15. #15


    Too much using the cell phone. Folks using the phone tend to drive slow to compensate for the lack of attention to driving because they are too busy concentrating on the phone conversation.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by downtown_racine View Post
    Gas prices or stoned, beats wrong way drunks.
    Laid back chillin metropolis

  17. #17


    Slow driving should not be in the fast lane or else accidents could happen.

  18. #18


    It gets me too, when people do move out of the left lane to let you pass, they speed up. If they did that in the first place, I'd be happy enough to follow behind.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    Too much using the cell phone. Folks using the phone tend to drive slow to compensate for the lack of attention to driving because they are too busy concentrating on the phone conversation.
    Very true. And walk slower a well

  20. #20


    Inattentive driving is everywhere. I live in the LA metropolis. We had a law passed where we are not allowed to talk on cell phones or text while driving. [[ I don't know what you are supposed to do about 911 calls, tell 'em you are a passenger ?) I still see people yakking - they drive slow and cause bunch-ups. Lots of people are medicated, sub-intelligent,old . . . take your pick. the other day I was turning left and didn't see a black suv in the 2:30 shadows, then my flip-flop got stuck on the brake pedal. The suv didn't slow down, just honked. She was going over 25mph in a school zone with kids all over the place. Gotta stop wearing those flip-flops.

  21. #21
    Occurrence Guest


    People driving under the speed limit can be just as dangerous, if not more, than people who speed. Police need to pull over and ticket these people for obstructing the flow of traffic.

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by detroitsgwenivere View Post

    I can't stannnd slow drivers in the left lane. I've heard people say, " I don't care, the speed says limit 70, people need to slow down, I don't care if a thousand people have to go around me, i have the right to drive 55 in the left lane, etc." and I just want to smash their face in. People don't realize that when you drive slower than the flow of traffic in the left that you are impeding it and subjecting yourself and everyone going around you to the possibility of a deadly accident.
    ^^This. A thousand times this. I HATE the quasi-wanna be cops around here who sit in the left lane, all smug and virtuous, thinking they're doing LE some great service. I hope people like this die in a fire.

  23. #23


    The State Police, although noticeably absent last year, have returned in full force. Be careful of the Lodge around Grand Blvd, be careful of I-96 after the express lanes end, be careful on I-75 when you approach I-696 northbound. Always a snake in the grass under that overpass.

    As far as the left lane light foots, time to bring back flash-to-pass.

  24. #24


    Hah! Another reason I hate flip-flop shoes....
    Quote Originally Posted by Swimmaven View Post
    Inattentive driving is everywhere. I live in the LA metropolis. We had a law passed where we are not allowed to talk on cell phones or text while driving. [[ I don't know what you are supposed to do about 911 calls, tell 'em you are a passenger ?) I still see people yakking - they drive slow and cause bunch-ups. Lots of people are medicated, sub-intelligent,old . . . take your pick. the other day I was turning left and didn't see a black suv in the 2:30 shadows, then my flip-flop got stuck on the brake pedal. The suv didn't slow down, just honked. She was going over 25mph in a school zone with kids all over the place. Gotta stop wearing those flip-flops.

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Brian1979 View Post
    Another thing I hate is people getting into the left lane and going slow for no reason at all, speed up or get in the other lane. I hate when you'll be on the expressway and the speed limit will say 55 and you know you can get away with doing 80 or more and there are cars clogging the lane going the speed limit or less.
    While I agree slower traffic needs to stay right, I hate it when people think they can do 25 over.

    In most cases, up to 14 under is legal. 15 or more under can be considered impeding. 14 over is never legal even though they might not stop you for it.

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