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Thread: police scanner

  1. #1

    Default police scanner

    A hobby for years of mine. Back in the day you could hear it all.
    I could tell some story's. Some of the best entertainment like when
    vice was working right on my street for about two years.
    One night they took 25 cars from johns they bragged it was there best night.
    Some of the guys were making fun of one of the decoys having to stand out on the corner And do her thing.
    the female Sargent in charge made one of the men go in the adult movie
    place and try to get a indecent act performed on him.
    I have heard DEA With a plane coming from DC to DETROIT.
    I picked them up in OHIO when they crossed into mich they changed up ground crews. And told the hole story to the new crew.
    But now it is hard to hear anything good it is just dispatch the whole city at once.
    You can get feed here. http://www.radioreference.com/apps/a...=wp&feedId=803
    Last edited by black gold man; January-26-12 at 04:14 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Scanners

    Many municipalities have gone to 800 Mhz trunked radio systems. You need a digital scanner to hear the real good stuff, unless they are encrypted then you will not hear any audio.

    I think radio shack had digital scanners for around $200.
    It is no longer a single frequency but a radio gets a signal that tells it what frequency to use and it all synthesis to all the other radios. Computer controlled.

  3. #3


    Slick.....does this mean that if your city has gone to the 800 Mhz system that they also still use the old system for some transmission? I live in rural Minnesota and supposedly our county sheriff department switched to the 800 Mhz system last week, yet I am still receiving transmissions on my old system scanner. Thanks in advance for your reply.

  4. #4


    If anyone has an iPhone,there is an app, for digital police scanner. It works great!

  5. #5


    Best one I ever heard was an DPD officer in foot pursuit. His PREP was stuck in the transmit mode. Dispatch kept telling him his PREP was stuck on. Two or three times he yelled "stop police" while panting....that part was not funny, you coould hear his feet hitting the pavement and assorted noises associated with a chase.

    He was getting frustrated and yelled "stop, I'm the M**** F***** police" finally.

    Dispatcher started laughing on the radio "Unit in foot pursuit, your PREP key is stuck on, we HEARD EVERYTHING you said".

    Next thing the officer said was "S***" and he yanked the cord.....

  6. #6


    I think i recall that one. I have heard a lot of under cover things in my neighborhood.
    The old system was great i think it dated back to the 50s.
    If anybody wants to hear the
    Hamtramck Police Department i have a old scanner for sale 50 bucks

  7. #7


    is there a delay in signal? Is what we are listening to real time?

  8. #8


    Real time.............................................. ......................

  9. #9


    Go to the web site you can pick state county city.

  10. #10


    I thought I was the only dork that listened to this site. Always wanted a real scanner

  11. #11


    grumpy O L,

    Your local deparment could be patching the new 800 into the old system. Sometimes agencies will run both systems in case there might be a problem with the new system or they may not have all the vehicles switched over to the new system. Keep listening while you can, it will probably all go away one day.
    good luck

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