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  1. #1

    Default Council member considers closing gas stations, restaurants overnight

    Detroit City Council member considers closing gas stations, restaurants overnight

    Restricted hours would be between 11 p.m., 5 a.m.


  2. #2


    Brown, former deputy police chief for the city, said after hours are also prime hours for crime to happen. He referenced the recent fatal shooting of a Highland Park gas station clerk at 3:30 a.m.
    Isn't this just the most defeatist thing you've heard in awhile? I understand wanting to protect people, but doesn't this mean the criminals have won? And, then you end up hurting businesses because of the crime that happens to a few on any given night. Seems like there is a better way from which to attack the problem, particularly now that more police are supposedly out from behind their desks and on the streets during the night.

  3. #3


    Agreed. This only make Detroit more distinct in a bad way! And more of reason to leave and certainly not an incentive for existing business or new business initiatives. As citizens I guess it just means batten down and make sure you have your gas and water before it get too late at night ---- ! That's already becoming the lifestyle for many adapting to the increasing crime.... so well ok.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dexlin View Post
    Isn't this just the most defeatist thing you've heard in awhile? I understand wanting to protect people, but doesn't this mean the criminals have won? And, then you end up hurting businesses because of the crime that happens to a few on any given night. Seems like there is a better way from which to attack the problem, particularly now that more police are supposedly out from behind their desks and on the streets during the night.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Dexlin View Post
    Isn't this just the most defeatist thing you've heard in awhile? I understand wanting to protect people, but doesn't this mean the criminals have won? And, then you end up hurting businesses because of the crime that happens to a few on any given night. Seems like there is a better way from which to attack the problem, particularly now that more police are supposedly out from behind their desks and on the streets during the night.
    Well, it's not exactly unheard of for governments to regulate enterprise in the name of public safety.

  5. #5
    Buy American Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Dexlin View Post
    Isn't this just the most defeatist thing you've heard in awhile? I understand wanting to protect people, but doesn't this mean the criminals have won? And, then you end up hurting businesses because of the crime that happens to a few on any given night. Seems like there is a better way from which to attack the problem, particularly now that more police are supposedly out from behind their desks and on the streets during the night.
    There are more cops on the street and there will be even more in the near future, however, they can't be on every corner where there is a convenience store or gas station in the entire City of Detroit. As I said before, something more drastic needs to be done to deter crime within Detroit, like S.T.R.E.S.S., or more gang squads throughout the City. Specialized cops who are trained to fight these thugs and get them off the streets and in prison. Bing sending EMS, firefighters and cops to seminars to learn how to talk nicely to citizens in Detroit is the biggest joke and waste of taxpayer money I've ever seen.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Buy American View Post
    There are more cops on the street and there will be even more in the near future, however, they can't be on every corner where there is a convenience store or gas station in the entire City of Detroit. As I said before, something more drastic needs to be done to deter crime within Detroit, like S.T.R.E.S.S., or more gang squads throughout the City. Specialized cops who are trained to fight these thugs and get them off the streets and in prison. Bing sending EMS, firefighters and cops to seminars to learn how to talk nicely to citizens in Detroit is the biggest joke and waste of taxpayer money I've ever seen.
    If STRESS was effective then it wouldn't have been cut.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by iheartthed View Post
    If STRESS was effective then it wouldn't have been cut.

    You have to understand....all Buy American wants is a gestapo like police force that will be all too willing bash in innocent black men's heads and maybe even chip in a body or two so HE feels safe...

  8. #8


    Let's bring back STRESS!

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by iheartthed View Post
    Well, it's not exactly unheard of for governments to regulate enterprise in the name of public safety.
    True, but real cities don't close at 11pm.

  10. #10


    But on some for real....this is some real stupid shit and we need to do a better job at electing our council members...preferably some who have actually been to other large, major cities...

    what council man was it?

  11. #11


    So by closing at night you succumb to the bad people, essentaillly telling them that our city has been overpowered by you and we can't police you and that you win.

    Great idea.

  12. #12
    Buy American Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroit Stylin View Post
    You have to understand....all Buy American wants is a gestapo like police force that will be all too willing bash in innocent black men's heads and maybe even chip in a body or two so HE feels safe...
    You've got it backwards stylin...it's the thugs that are bashing in innocent black men's heads and murdering people, not the police. Obviously, all you care about is race and the rights of the criminals in your city, not safety, which in my opinion, would be top priority.
    As far as ME feeling safe....I do...because I live in a community where people care about each other, we look out for each other, our police force is effective and they don't take the crap that the thugs hand out. Believe me, no one's rights are violated either...the thugs are all protected against nazi type tactics.

  13. #13


    Without commenting on whether it's a good idea or not I think it will have two effects. First some criminals will "eat" earlier; particularly just before11 pm, and secondly there will be an increase in planned home invasions after 11 pm. Criminals are not going to reduce their activities because of a few road blocks put in their way. They might start looking for what's still open after 11 outside Detroit. It might turn out to be a case of spread the pain.
    Last edited by coracle; January-25-12 at 10:08 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    This would have no effect on crime and just drive more decent folks to the suburbs.

    Criminals aren't going to stop just because you changed the hours of operation. They hit the places overnight because that's the best opportunity. If the establishments close at 11, they'll just hit them after dark until closing.

  15. #15


    Oddly enough I don't think this is too bad of an idea. I prefer the idea where an establishment that wants to be a 24 hour establishment would have to hire armed security to be there during those late night hours. It may force some of these businesses that have random panhandlers hanging around and young dudes selling weed/pills/crack on the premises to take some responsibility for their property.

    I'm not that old and I can remember when the majority of liquor stores and coney islands used to close at night. The 24 hour brightly lit gas station is an invention of the mid to late 90's. There wouldn't be much injury if things went back to the way they were.

  16. #16


    To me this is close to last person out turn out the lights?

  17. #17


    As liberal as I am, it's unonstitutional.

    A privately-owned establishment should have the right to regulate their own hours of operation. No ifs, ands or buts about it. That's not to say they have the right to restrict who can patronize their business, since they're a BUSINESS that accepts public money for profit.

    What the city CAN do is beef up the enforcement of laws to make these establishments safer at night. It should also be the fault of the business if they permit loitering and a crime occurs as a result of the loitering.

    Besides, it will also lead to a loss of jobs. There are a lot of people who work in these gas stations and restaurants at night who will no longer be needed since the government regulated them out of a job.

  18. #18


    There used to be a 24 hour Rite-Aid on West Vernor. Once I went there for some aspirin or something in the middle of the night. Never again. The place was filled with prostitutes, winos and pan-handlers. Drunks arguing inside and in the parking lot. it was like something out of Dante's Inferno. I just resolved to be more prepared. Its not like the pharmacy would be open if needed. But the liquor sales were open.
    The late-night culture in Detroit is one reason kids don't get to school in the morning.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Criminals aren't going to stop just because you changed the hours of operation. They hit the places overnight because that's the best opportunity. If the establishments close at 11, they'll just hit them after dark until closing.
    Crime is about opportunity and criminals won't hold up crowded gas stations. The criminals are more likely to change their targets than they are to rob crowded stations.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by 313WX View Post
    As liberal as I am, it's unonstitutional.

    A privately-owned establishment should have the right to regulate their own hours of operation. No ifs, ands or buts about it. That's not to say they have the right to restrict who can patronize their business, since they're a BUSINESS that accepts public money for profit.
    They don't have that right hence why bars must close at 2am in Michigan.

  21. #21


    This is getting absurd.

    First, they ban parking on the street, so bad guys don't steal cars.

    Now, they want to ban eating and fueling late, so bad guys don't commit crimes at restaurants and gas stations.

    Next, they want to ban living in Detroit, to prevent home invasions.

    Totally insane.

  22. #22
    Buy American Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by SWMAP View Post
    The late-night culture in Detroit is one reason kids don't get to school in the morning.
    Where are the parents of these kids? Who holds them responsible for their children being out well after curfew? Is there a curfew in place?

  23. #23


    'This would have no effect on crime and just drive more decent folks to the suburbs".

    Looking at it from the Suburbs that's absolutely fine. What we dread is the criminals moving out. We've already got enough of our own and we don't need better ones.

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    Let's bring back STRESS!
    [[Dangerously saying the politically incorrect... with respect for those wrongfully killed...)
    STRESS was a good idea -- just done by the wrong people at the wrong time. But the idea of decoys and an aggressive anti-street-robbery program, done right, might have changed the dynamic of Detroit. Perhaps the city would have 1.5 million residents if STRESS had been done right. [[Does everyone remember STRESS -- I'd think there's a thread somewhere.)
    Last edited by Wesley Mouch; January-25-12 at 11:46 AM.

  25. #25


    Even if the kids are home, the mother is out and doesn't get up in the morning.

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