Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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  1. #1

    Default Nice Roundup of Current and Future Midtown Development

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Zozo View Post
    I heard from someone generally in the know that Atlas Global is moving into the old Agave place and an upscale [[I think) Mexican place is going where Atlas Global currently is. I can't confirm this though...anybody heard anything similar?
    Last edited by stinkytofu; January-16-12 at 01:51 PM.

  3. #3


    Yes I like the things she has done in Midtown, continuely. Great news! Keep it coming..

  4. #4


    Wow! Simply amazing how much is going on in such a short time. Looks like ModelD's 'Developments' page is going to be busy in Midtown!

  5. #5


    4625 Second, Forest Arms Building. $17 million historic rehab to create 75 apartments. Construction to begin this year, finish in 2014. Developers: Midtown Detroit Inc. and local developer Scott Lowell.

    $17 million? That's a steal! But I do applaud it of course! Is Scott Lowell related to out Lowell?

  6. #6


    This is a pretty exciting list. Of course, Whole Foods tops this excitement, but it is the smaller projects coming together that will really make Midtown thrive.

    The area near Cass and Willis is becoming a model for the wider redevelopment of the district. We see small, independent shops [[avalon, spiral collective, etc) and rehabbed residential spaces, and now new construction [[the auburn). And this year, 11 storefronts at Cass and Canfield, 3 storefronts on the corner of Cass and Willis, and two more storefronts at 4130 Cass will finally mark the beginning of a legit commercial area that the city is lacking, building on one of the most vibrant existing blocks [[Willis). Hopefully, storefronts and apartments will line Cass all the way from Downtown to Grand Blvd.

    I'm also excited about the Garden Theatre, because Midtown needs more entertainment venues, and the Coffee shop at the corner of Alexandrine and Woodward because we can always use more coffee joints [[hopefully it will stay open late to compliment the majestic complex across the street), and of course bringing back the Agave space on Woodward. Hopefully any new restaurants will have outdoor seating to add to the street life, maybe Union St can add outdoor seating too, like what Cass Cafe is currently doing.

    The more businesses open, the more people outside, the safer the area will appear and therefore bring even more people to the area. The midtown greeway will help with this too, adding better lighting, benches, drinking fountains, etc. that will make the area generally more welcoming.

    I'm also excited about the possibility of new artists spaces/galleries and rehabbed apartments. We need more spaces for artists to set up and work and have their work displayed to the public. Fostering a community of artists is critical if we are to become an artist hub.

    Finally, turning Second and Third into two-way streets is a fantastic idea, although I hope Second south of Warren can be included too. There is no practical reason why these streets need to be one-ways. My guess is that making them two-ways will boost business and make Midtown easier to navigate.

    Now, we just need that damn rail line!!!

  7. #7


    We're on the same page..unlike like other's on here. I'm going to continue to piss off these naysayer's. If people stop complaining and be a "Do-er" we can get things done around here. You have to crawl before you walk..

    Quote Originally Posted by casscorridor View Post
    This is a pretty exciting list. Of course, Whole Foods tops this excitement, but it is the smaller projects coming together that will really make Midtown thrive.

    The area near Cass and Willis is becoming a model for the wider redevelopment of the district. We see small, independent shops [[avalon, spiral collective, etc) and rehabbed residential spaces, and now new construction [[the auburn). And this year, 11 storefronts at Cass and Canfield, 3 storefronts on the corner of Cass and Willis, and two more storefronts at 4130 Cass will finally mark the beginning of a legit commercial area that the city is lacking, building on one of the most vibrant existing blocks [[Willis). Hopefully, storefronts and apartments will line Cass all the way from Downtown to Grand Blvd.

    I'm also excited about the Garden Theatre, because Midtown needs more entertainment venues, and the Coffee shop at the corner of Alexandrine and Woodward because we can always use more coffee joints [[hopefully it will stay open late to compliment the majestic complex across the street), and of course bringing back the Agave space on Woodward. Hopefully any new restaurants will have outdoor seating to add to the street life, maybe Union St can add outdoor seating too, like what Cass Cafe is currently doing.

    The more businesses open, the more people outside, the safer the area will appear and therefore bring even more people to the area. The midtown greeway will help with this too, adding better lighting, benches, drinking fountains, etc. that will make the area generally more welcoming.

    I'm also excited about the possibility of new artists spaces/galleries and rehabbed apartments. We need more spaces for artists to set up and work and have their work displayed to the public. Fostering a community of artists is critical if we are to become an artist hub.

    Finally, turning Second and Third into two-way streets is a fantastic idea, although I hope Second south of Warren can be included too. There is no practical reason why these streets need to be one-ways. My guess is that making them two-ways will boost business and make Midtown easier to navigate.

    Now, we just need that damn rail line!!!

  8. #8


    "The more businesses open, the more people outside, the safer the area will appear and therefore bring even more people to the area. The midtown greenway will help with this too, adding better lighting, benches, drinking fountains, etc. that will make the area generally more welcoming."

    It's that simple! Now make it happen and watch how it works...

  9. #9


    "$1.2 million conversion of Second Avenue between I-94 and West Grand Boulevard and Third Avenue between Warren and Ledyard to two-way streets. Completion expected by fall. Developer: Midtown Detroit Inc."

    This is long overdue. Second Ave around Tech Town is a one-way with street with a median! For anyone who have not driven this stretch, it's bizarre.

    I also agree that Second and Third south of Warren deserve to be turned into two-way streets. It's a lay person's hypothesis that 4-lane one-way streets produce less traffic for businesses. I live nearby and never see any amount of traffic that would necessitate four lanes of single direction traffic.

    For what it's worth, I also think Forest Ave between Grand River and John R ought to be a two-way...

  10. #10


    Wow I'm actually excited about the Agave space. I hadden't even heard of any plans but I think the apartments are a great idea. Agave was a great place but had too much space to be sustainable IMO

  11. #11


    I thought that Red Coat was going into the old Agave??

  12. #12


    This area really is leaps and bounds ahead of where it was even 5 to 6 years ago. Its so exciting to imagine where it will be in another 5 years [[accompanied by all of the downtown developments, corktown's booming restaurant scene, redevelopment in Eastern Market, along with the myriad of other neighborhoods seeing redevelopment). It sure is exciting times!

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by innercitydoc View Post
    Wow I'm actually excited about the Agave space. I hadden't even heard of any plans but I think the apartments are a great idea. Agave was a great place but had too much space to be sustainable IMO
    I totally agree. On the one hand a few second floor apartments is kind of a minor thing, but getting the lights on in the second floor and some additional housing is great! And it all adds up.

  14. #14


    its good to see some solid commercial down there, but there's still a-lot of room for retail that needs to be filled.

  15. #15


    Midtown will be buzzing this year. Hopefully this amount of cash pouring in kickstarts a snowball effect.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Pcm View Post
    "$1.2 million conversion of Second Avenue between I-94 and West Grand Boulevard and Third Avenue between Warren and Ledyard to two-way streets. Completion expected by fall. Developer: Midtown Detroit Inc."

    This is long overdue. Second Ave around Tech Town is a one-way with street with a median! For anyone who have not driven this stretch, it's bizarre.

    I also agree that Second and Third south of Warren deserve to be turned into two-way streets. It's a lay person's hypothesis that 4-lane one-way streets produce less traffic for businesses. I live nearby and never see any amount of traffic that would necessitate four lanes of single direction traffic.

    For what it's worth, I also think Forest Ave between Grand River and John R ought to be a two-way...
    I always thought that Second Street with that median and single direction traffic wasn't right, it was weird to see a boulevard with both sides having traffic go in the same direction. If you want to see a confusing mess of one way streets downtown Chicago has got to top that list.

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