Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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  1. #1

    Default Whitney + Dime = Beautiful

    I saw this article in the News today. I'm beyond excited at how beautiful these two buildings will be when the renovations are complete.


  2. #2


    I can remember making the trip to my dentist on the DDOT as a boy to the Whitney building. It was an amazing space back then.... full of life. It wasn't all that lonng ago that there was still life in that place. I can recall getting things from the whitney pharmacy and the secretary of state in the mid-1990's.

    There was always a piano in the lobby though I am not sure why. The hard surfaces and the room's shape played havoc on every note. It will be great to see this space open again and have another access point for the People Mover.

  3. #3


    The Dime Building was already restored by a previous owner... and only the office space is getting restored. A few years ago Preservation Wayne held their annual meeting in the restored lobby of the Dime Building in honor of the restoration. Other locations of their annual meetings have been such historic places such as the Detroit Club, Players Club, Whittier Hotel, and Detroit Yacht Club.

  4. #4


    I hope they can try and preserve some of the character of the upper floors of the Whitney. Alot of it is double loaded corridors with Georgian Marble [[I think) and doors and window transoms with their original stained finishes. It would be great if this was all kept.

    Only problem is code would require the original transoms removed because they are in an exit corridor and not fire rated. Plus if it's a hotel, you probably don't want light shining in the rooms from the hall anyway.

  5. #5


    Great to see these two gems getting fixed up.

  6. #6


    Wow.....there gonna restore the Whitney exterior back to original too? Spectacular!

    My first pediatrician was in the Whitney....I think his name was Dr. Anderson, but the memory is 55+ yrs, so I'm a little fuzzy.

  7. #7


    Your grammar and use of the word "there" is fuzzy as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by mikefmich View Post
    Wow.....there gonna restore the Whitney exterior back to original too? Spectacular!

    My first pediatrician was in the Whitney....I think his name was Dr. Anderson, but the memory is 55+ yrs, so I'm a little fuzzy.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroitPlanner View Post

    There was always a piano in the lobby though I am not sure why. The hard surfaces and the room's shape played havoc on every note. It will be great to see this space open again and have another access point for the People Mover.
    The piano was added by Joe and Debbie Grella, a New York couple that bought the building in the 80s and lived across the street at [[then) Trolley Plaza. They did extensive renovations on the lobby area and the piano was a nice touch. Nobody expected it to sound like Orchestra Hall.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by rjlj View Post
    Your grammar and use of the word "there" is fuzzy as well.
    The world is a better place thanks to you.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by rjlj View Post
    Your grammar and use of the word "there" is fuzzy as well.
    Thanks for your fooken vocabulary lesson. Look, aren't you pleased I used your properly?

  11. #11


    Getting back on topic... here's some nice photos of the restored Dime Building...

    And here's the nearby Ford Building, another [[1910) Daniel Burnham design...

    "Decojim", the photographer of these buildings, is a also a DYES poster, and LEGO acquaintance that does all the grand scale models of Detroit Buildings in LEGO.
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    Last edited by Gistok; January-02-12 at 08:25 PM.

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