Quote Originally Posted by davewindsor View Post
$20-$30 an hour. And they want the same increase as minimum wage, so we're talking what, another 35% plus tips?
Where did you two get the idea this was about a larger raise, in the main?

After seeing this thread, I googled the story to see what I could pick up.

Based on the link below:


" Unifor national president Jerry Dias came to Windsor for a rally April 22 and said the dispute was about a lack of respect, disputes over scheduling, too many part-time workers who don’t get benefits and minimum wage workers in an industry that makes millions of dollars a year.


One worker on the picket line who didn’t want to be named Monday for fear of retaliation from management said he wishes the various employee groups, from security to hotel workers, had more time to consider the details of the agreement before voting Friday. He said workers acted on emotions and many people were angry about the fourth year added to the contract. He also wanted language to address scheduling and vacation time based on seniority.

With no inside knowledge on my part, it doesn't sound like wages are at the heart of this, it sounds like scheduling above all else. Staff who don't get fixed hours, never mind full-time hours, whose pay cheque bounces up and down week to week due to varied and unpredictable hours, as well as many folks working part-time who get a lower hourly wage than F/T staff w/no benefits.
AS someone who employs people, I would never treat my staff that way. Even seasonal get the same hours week in, week out, so they can plan their lives and rely on the same pay each week. IT rather concerns me that you both instantly go the idea that greed is at the heart of this dispute without ever verifying that to be the case. If you have additional insight feel free to offer it.

But based on what's public domain, it sounds like we have staff who don't like getting @##@% over; and left unable to count on their job to pay the bills.

Doesn't read as overly greedy at first blush.