At the very least, any place with proper and separate place for smoking...and ALL outdoor patios...and especially those places which invest in air circulating systems which make smoke go directly UP above the smoker to an intake vent and charcoal air filtering device...all should be able to escape this law.

There should be clear signage for anyone who is allergic or has been hypnotized to stop smoking to avoid even stepping INTO the joints which allow smoking.

In CA, there were a few cool dives that allowed smoking...despite the heavy enforcement. They'd poll everyone at the bar before allowing anyone to light least the ones I knew. Had it happen a bunch of times in San Francisco...but my friend who used to live there had a knack of finding these things, being the lifelong smoker.

I've thought the outdoor patio not being allowed a designated smoking area THE most ridiculous portion of the law...but have enjoyed not smelling like an ash tray for the last year.
