On-line forums of all types are pretty much past their peak. Just about every forum I participate in has seen a decline in use over the last 5 years or so. Media comment sections are either being deleted, or more heavily monitored.

The return of 'gander as opposed to 'ganian was caused by the return of control to the Republicans. You might remember the original problem being that 'gander suggested to some people that we're all of the male species. Didn't help the cause when we elected our first female Governor. Once the Repubs got control of the State Houses and the governor's office, there was an immediate push to return us to the good ole days.

This thread in itself demonstrates one aspect of the problems with on-line forums. People guessed the facts, people gave their opinions, while two people posted the only fact. We are currently legally Michiganders, yet no one bothered to apologized for presenting false facts, or thanked or quoted the two people that presented the only legal fact answer to that question. Instead, we prefer to reference and trust internet data like 'google hits', person opinion, or those of your tribe or others' personal opinion of choice you opt to agree with. The truth erodes to become nothing more than another opinion with seemingly equal weight.