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  1. #101


    ^ well,what he said was true.

    There would not need to be a recount if the laws,checks and balances put in place were followed.

    In others news ...

    A woman in Broward County contacted animal control about a large boa constrictor snake in her yard,when they arrived they found 3 boxes of uncounted ballots that the snake had consumed.

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    Uh no Donald, you're a laughingstock. And the fact that he quoted Poo-tin. He's a lunatic!
    That's a satire piece.

  3. #103
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    Mar 2009


    Tim Canova interview:


  4. #104


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    That's a satire piece.
    Yes, noticed that. But honestly, it does sound like something that would come out of his mouth.
    Last edited by Maof; November-13-18 at 07:58 PM.

  5. #105


    As of yesterday the vote is showing increased vote counts for those that won and decreased vote counts for those that lost but nothing changes as to who won and who lost.

    Of course that is subject to change at any given minute.

    In other news .....

    A guy buys a car listed as a barn find off of Craigslist,after he washes the dirt off and opens the trunk,he finds 3 boxes of ballots from two years ago.

  6. #106
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    Mar 2009

  7. #107


    Anyone didn't see this coming?

    Russia's propaganda machine discovers 2020 Democratic candidate Tulsi Gabbard

  8. #108


    A few days ago the Senate Intelligence Committee issued a report that confirmed every single state's election system was targeted by Russia in the 2016 election. The committee is headed by Republicans. That came a day after Meuller testified before congress and repeated, urgently, the need to protect our election systems. He said Russia is already interfering in our next elections "as we sit here."

    Why is Senate Majority Leader "Moscow Mitch" McConnell blocking every measure to protect our elections against interference, even bipartisan ones? He will not let them come before the Senate for a vote.

    According to the NY Times:

    "Proponents of the bills say they are devised to keep the states in the lead. A Democratic measure approved by the House would send more than $1 billion to state and local governments to tighten election security, but would also demand that states use the money for machines with backup paper ballots and require a national strategy to protect American democratic institutions against cyberattacks. States would be required to spend federal funds only on federally certified “election infrastructure vendors.”

    A bipartisan measure in both chambers would require internet companies like Facebook to disclose the purchasers of political ads. Another bipartisan Senate proposal would codify cyberinformation-sharing initiatives between federal intelligence services and state election officials, speed up the granting of security clearances to state officials and provide federal incentives for states to adopt backup paper ballots.

    Backup paper ballots got an endorsement Tuesday from an unlikely source: Mr. Trump. He took to Twitter to call for “Paper Ballots as backup [[old fashioned but true!).”"

    ‘Moscow Mitch’ Tag Enrages McConnell and Squeezes G.O.P. on Election Security
    Last edited by bust; August-02-19 at 12:10 AM.

  9. #109



    Surely It's a Coincidence That a Firm Tied to a Russian Oligarch Is Pouring Millions Into Kentucky

    Ex-McConnell staffers lobbied on Russian-backed Kentucky project

    Dems push for review of Russian-backed project in Kentucky

    Democrats Seek Review of Russian Investment in Kentucky

    From the Times:

    "The announcement [of the Russian project in Kentucky] came less than four months after the administration lifted sanctions on Rusal and its parent company, EN+. The sanctions had banned the companies from doing business in the United States, and would have prevented the Kentucky deal, under which Rusal will own 40 percent of the plant and will supply it with unfinished aluminum for processing and sale to large institutional buyers, including automakers and airplane manufacturers.

    The sanctions had been imposed last year because the companies were owned and controlled by the influential Russian oligarch Oleg V. Deripaska, a Kremlin ally who the Treasury Department accused of aiding Russia's “malign activity” around the world.

    After a sophisticated legal and lobbying campaign financed by the companies, the Treasury Department announced a deal last year to lift the sanctions in exchange for a restructuring intended to reduce Mr. Deripaska's control and ownership of the companies. Yet a confidential, legally binding document detailing the agreement showed that Mr. Deripaska, who remains under personal sanction by the United States, and his allies would retain majority ownership of EN+. VTB, a Russian government-owned bank under limited United States sanctions, would own about 24 percent of EN+ under the deal."
    Last edited by bust; August-01-19 at 03:39 PM.

  10. #110


    Yes, Russia, China, Iran, Canadians, Brits and probably some other countries take a shot at influencing our elections. Foreign government money winds up in the Foundations of U.S. candidates. The U.S. is not above overthrowing governments or tapping Angela Merkel's phone either.

    It isn't surprising that the Deep State is accusing Tulsi Gabbard of not being an anti-Russian hawk. Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Ralph Nader, and maybe Bernie Sanders all received the same treatment. Tulsi Gabbard has not only had a civil conversation with Assad, she is advocating an audit of the federal Reserve; that holy of holies of the Deep State. Anyone who goes there gets static. Tulsi Gabbard is also suing Google for refusing to sell her advertising space. In the last debate, Tulsi attacked establishment candidate Kamala Harris.
    Last edited by oladub; August-01-19 at 08:57 PM.

  11. #111


    No one likes a quitter... Well, maybe...


  12. #112
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    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    Anyone didn't see this coming?

    Russia's propaganda machine discovers 2020 Democratic candidate Tulsi Gabbard
    That story has been discredited.


    Speaking of Tulsi Gabbard, she tried to introduce an election reform bill that didn't get much support. I suspect it's because the crooks in Congress want to leave the option to cheat the voters open.


    Washington, DC—
    Rep. Tulsi Gabbard [[HI-02)
    today introduced legislation
    to protect the country’s election infrastructure from cyber-hackers by requiring the use of voter-verified paper ballots or a paper ballot backup in federal elections.

  13. #113


    ^ paper ballets made it easier to cheat,drop a few boxes off here and there or lose a few boxes here and there according to how one wants to turn things.

  14. #114


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    No one likes a quitter... Well, maybe...


    Thats how they roll,they do undocumented things while the people they do not like do illegal things,in thier minds.

  15. #115


    ^^^ Our governor Whitmer is ok with allowing undocumented [[illegal) immigrants drivers license privileges.How many laws would an undocumented immigrant have to break or ignore to present to the Secretary of the State to acquire a drivers license [[last I checked you need documents)?

    And how does this advance Detroiters?

    I will post more at the Detroit side later...
    Last edited by Zacha341; August-04-19 at 10:30 AM.

  16. #116


    ^ encouragement to break more laws,why would they need drivers license?

    In order to drive you need a car which costs money,so not only here illegally but also working illegally,two strikes.

    No country in the world allows non citizens to enter and work without permission.

    It kills the whole voter suppression aspect because some cannot afford an ID to vote.

    They have no problem allowing illegals to obtain ID but have an issue makeing sure citizens have obstacles in place not to receive the same consideration.

    If they were that concerned about everybody having an ID in order to vote they would get in a van and collect those who wish to obtain one.

  17. #117


    Yes, this is but another example of conflict of policy. To put it mildly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    They have no problem allowing illegals to obtain ID but have an issue making sure citizens have obstacles in place not to receive the same consideration...
    Well, per the politics of party if D-Trump makes that statement then we must allow permission, of course......

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    No country in the world allows non citizens to enter and work without permission.
    Last edited by Zacha341; August-04-19 at 10:44 AM.

  18. #118


    I addressed this topic here.

  19. #119


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post

    No country in the world allows non citizens to enter and work without permission.
    We don't either. We are constantly deporting undocumented workers. Always have. The trouble is that VAST swaths of our agricultural industry rely on those undocumented workers. Ditto for the hospitality industry.

    Want to cut undocumented workers?
    1) Create a set of standards for those industries that rely on migrant labor
    - including wage requirements and housing requirements that don't follow the "company store" model
    2) Create a system to allow those migrant workers to come in legally
    3) HEAVILY fine those companies and individuals who hire migrant workers from outside the new system or who do not provide the appropriate wages and required quality of housing.

    It kills the whole voter suppression aspect because some cannot afford an ID to vote.

    The positioning of this statement is a bit of a non-sequitur. Requiring a PAID ID to vote is a violation of anti poll tax laws. If a state requires an official ID, they should provide one - gratis.

  20. #120


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    We don't either. We are constantly deporting undocumented workers. Always have. The trouble is that VAST swaths of our agricultural industry rely on those undocumented workers. Ditto for the hospitality industry.

    Want to cut undocumented workers?
    1) Create a set of standards for those industries that rely on migrant labor
    - including wage requirements and housing requirements that don't follow the "company store" model
    2) Create a system to allow those migrant workers to come in legally
    3) HEAVILY fine those companies and individuals who hire migrant workers from outside the new system or who do not provide the appropriate wages and required quality of housing.

    [/COLOR]The positioning of this statement is a bit of a non-sequitur. Requiring a PAID ID to vote is a violation of anti poll tax laws. If a state requires an official ID, they should provide one - gratis.
    On the surface I agree with you 100% but what most do not realize is the United States provides immigration opportunities like no other country in the world.

    We have a well used guest worker program specifically for the agriculture and hospitality industries.

    People utilizing that have excess to free healthcare,permission to work and pay taxes,they follow the crops and can stay in the country year round.

    Even Walt Disney world has an international guest worker program in peak seasons.

    We regulate immigration of non skilled workers from Latin America and other countries if you are non skilled based on a quota system allowing x amount of thousands per year for each country.

    Like many other countries we have no limits on high skilled workers.

    In countries such as India and the Middle East,we have not only the allotted quotas but we also allow a visa lottery system that allows thousands more over and above the set quotas.

    If as an American,I wanted to immigrate to another country,even Mexico,unless I am a English teacher or make a minimum investment of $500,000 there is no way I can legally immigrate.

    Every country in the world has immigration laws,they are of smaller land mass then the United States and a lot harder to hide,if you get caught being there illegally you will serve jail time before being deported.

    The United States has one of the most liberal immigration policies in the world.

    The federal government does have in place a employment eligibility check program,it is not required,it is there for states or individual corporations to utilize if so desired.

    Some states require employers to utilize the system some do not.

    The federal government does enforce large workforce illegal employment crackdowns,but it is very costly in funds and manpower.


    The previous administration did little towards this style of crackdown,in order to stay out of the lime light and not to draw attention he went after individuals,green cards or not,anybody that had a felony,even if it was from 20 years ago he still rounded them up and deported them.

    Nobody said anything and his numbers of deported are still higher then the current administration.

    In Florida from what I have seen,migrant workers are treated as well as non migrant workers,for the most part they are all driving new trucks.

    The immigrants that are abused or servitude are immigrants and illegal immigrants that are employed by thier own countryman employers.

    There have been some horrible cases but they are dealt with harshly.

    Florida has a high level of immigrants,both illegal and non illegal,they command the same pay,an unskilled laborer will cost you $100 per day,skilled $150 per day.

    A Mexican owned or Cuban owned or Columbian owned business will employ illegals at 50% of the going rate.

    That is where you get the whole competitive aspect.

    As a contractor I had to pay,workmanÂ’s comp,insurance,taxes etc as a buisness,these guys fold in 60% of thier workforce with illegals,they get seriously hurt on a job and they are immediately sent back to thier country of origin,done game over.

    We have more ways to enter this country legally,with 1000s of loopholes,then any other country in the world.

    It is a long drawn out system that can take up to 5 years,people do not want to wait that long so they circumvent the system and that is why we are where we are at today.

    It consumes billions of dollars in the process that could be used to lift the lives of Americans,as much money this country has there is no reason in the world to have the inner cities that we have,the public transportation shortfalls,the hundreds of thousands homeless sleeping in the streets,itÂ’s insane.

    People for the most part do not hate immigrants,illegal or not,they understand that they are looking for a better life and that IS who we are as a country.

    The hatred comes from the double standards when it comes to illegals verses immigrants that utilize the right path and American citizens.

    There are groups that are apparently incapable of understanding that concept and use that to actually spread hate and cry racist.

    It is entirely possible to hate the way the system works when it comes to illegals without hating the people involved,outside of the political aspect of useing people as pawns in thier little games of politics.

  21. #121


    Mitch McConnell Booed at Kentucky Event Over Election Security | NowThis

    I hope no one's approaching this problem by trying to get Russia to voluntarily stop their meddling. The correct approach is to make it impossible for any country to tamper with our elections.

    It's appalling that that hasn't always been the case. This should never have become an issue in the first place.

  22. #122


    We as a country seem to be more of a reactionary force verses a proactive one.

    I think it has a lot to do with the disconnect between agencies,The CIA meddles with other countries election process,they do not share that information with the FBI where it could be used as counter measures in this country.

    You are into technology,look at the computer systems in place in our government.


    Hillary Clinton stated that when she was in the state department there was one computer terminal that was used by the entire state department.

    Then to make it worse there are a lot of older generation employees that still do not have any technology knowledge.

    I remember when computers started showing up on the shelves in bulk,there would be 12 year old kids typing away on the displays and at that time I would have not even known how to turn one on.

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