Is Ms. Ruffin nuts enough to completely fabricate her scandalous claims of drug and sex fueled Manoogian Mansion baachanalia as Mr. Thomas claims? Or was she actually there? It would be interesting to read her complete deposition to better evaluate her story.

One wonders if Mr. Thomas or Mr. Schapka questioned her about the Manoogian Mansion itself in order to test her credibility. From all accounts it's a pretty distinctive place. Could she describe the interior layout at all? The driveway and grounds? The bathroom where she supposedly changed? How about the room where the memorable lap dance took place? If they didn't find out about this stuff at the deposition it will be risky to ask at the trial.

One more thing. Is everyone supposed to believe that Ms. Ruffin witnessed this traumatic and even historic event and then never confided in anyone else except for Mr. Yatooma? That seems unlikely, but then why hasn't Mr. Yatooma brought forward anyone to whom she confided back in 2003?

She's making it up.