I think at some point it will come out that this has not only been Mr. I's goal for the past few years but he was playing the long game, even to his own reputation's detriment, for decades. I understand people bashing him and with cause for some of the actions/inaction on his part, but in hindsight I think that he was waiting for the economic environment to support his plans. Does that admonish him from some questionable decision making? Absolutely not. But I think reflecting on what this man did for the city after all is said and done, he will be championed along with Gilbert as the two catalysts that really got this city back on its feet. That's not to take away from others integral to the success of Detroit, such as Penske, the Kresge foundation, etc., that have been supporting efforts here for years, but if all of this comes to fruition, people will look at tangible evidence of change, and Illitch will have given us that.