Quote Originally Posted by jt1 View Post
Yep - Everyone is fine with a regional tax for the Zoo with does not reside in the city. Perhaps the backwoods people around here prefer watching monkeys fling shit as opposed to world class art.
As a resident of this area, I question why I live here and I answer it with "the quality of life here". There are literally things to do here.

Now I ask myself what would bring someone from out of town to live here.

Don't these people realize that without some of these cultural things to do, what really is left here other than sitting back home watching Netflix all night long on a weekend? Regions like this need cultural things to do as it adds to the quality of life. Ditch the DIA or screw with it in such a way that it can never recover is tantamount to regional suicide. No one from out of state will want to come here- not as a tourist and sure as hell not to raise a family and live.

I even ask myself what would it take for me to move to another region. There has to be something there besides a well paying job for me to move there. They'd better have access to grocery stores, theaters, parks, and some cultural amenities. I'm not saying this region has ALL of those things in abundance but let's take an inventory as to what we do have. What we do have a world class art museum and these jokers are so short sighted as to want to cripple it forever.

And no disrespect meant to the Zoo, but we lose a monkey or a giraffe there, they can be replaced a little easier than losing a Monet or Van Gogh original.