Quote Originally Posted by DetroitPole View Post
Not to be trite, but as a rule, all of Detroit is a block-by-block scenario. One block you're in Birmingham, the block up you're in The Bowery.
The Bowery consists of fancy loft condos and luxury hotels nowadays. Not even a hint of grit is left. One of the most expensive parts of Manhattan.

And I don't agree with your characterization of Detroit at all. If it were true, then property values in the safer enclaves would be much, much higher.

One can buy a home for dirt cheap in the University District, Boston Edison, and even Palmer Woods. These communities aren't gated, and the problems in the surrounding neighborhoods do sometimes enter these nicer streets. That's why all these areas have private security patrols, and that's why break-ins and the like are quite routine.

In Detroit, the big difference between the "nice" streets and "not-so-nice" streets is the relative level of violence. There aren't many shootings or drug-related violence in the University District. The folks living in Indian Village and the like don't have that sort of lifestyle.

To be fair, most folks, whether in Dexter Davison or Indian Village, don't have that sort of lifestyle. But enough folks in Dexter Davison have that lifestyle to ruin it for everyone else.