Quote Originally Posted by wolverine View Post
I understand your point, but entering most convenience stores, pharmacies and banks with a hood up is forbidden. It says so on the doors. Failure to comply could result in police action to possible arrest. Really, what initiated the conversation is the obvious fact that when someone conceals their identity in a place of business and commits a crime, the witness descriptions create anonymous sketches.

But you are right. There is no excuse for anyone to generalize anyone as a criminal by their attire. However it is reasonable to raise suspicion when one tries to conceal their identity in a place of business. On the other hand, if someone chooses to wear their hood up or their hat low walking around on the street, that's their own right to do so.
I see people [[can't be certain if they're women) wearing burqas in my bank quite often and yet I get strange looks when I wear my ski mask even in this cold weather.