This thread was inspired by a comment I left in the Fisher Mansion thread.

Take a second to think about all the famous persons to have called Detroit home, if everyone alive or their descendent's came back home to Detroit and:

1. Restored and lived in their ancestor's home.
2. Restored and lived in their childhood home.
3. Moved back home to Detroit and made the city their major residence.

Imagine for a second, if all the heir's of Detroit's storied, rich, money past bought their ancestor's homes, and mansions, and moved in, while restoring them to their former grandaur...

Imagine then, if all former Detroiter's followed this lead and bought, moved to, and restored their childhood homes... Detroit would see a Renascence unlike any other American city...

Then, all the middle and working class folks could follow, and take the same leads, Detroit could see a rebound in it's population, and a true rennisanse...

All it takes is for family members of Detroit's "old money" to come back home...

One can dream, can't they?