Charles Pugh today in the Free Press states Detroit doesnt need a emergency manager as they can solve the problems themselves. Mr. Pugh doesnt make any sense, He says they can solve the problems themselves, yet , as usual , council block Bing on most things.. Then Pugh says the first thing to do is negotiate more with the unions ??? Hello???
What do you think Bing has done,, they have been negotiated down to the point where they wont anymore,, Where has he been??? This guy really needs to do his homework. Bing has made some mistakes but I think overall he is miles ahead of KingKwame and his gang of thieves. Bing has enormous obstacles to overcome, mostly built up by previous administrations, as well as a major sucker punch with the economic state of the city and state in the last several years. No matter what he does he gets major criticism.. Id luv to see the person who can solve all of these issues,, There isnt one. I dont think there is anyone out there who can deal with this situation better than Bing, [[ that would run for mayor that is)