Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
Mr. Cushingberry is a textbook example of why Detroit needed to be "taken over" by the State and EFM in the first place. The man is a classic political screw-up, [[I don't know too many people FIRED by the State's Attorney General, do you?) He took off from the cops twice, which would have given him ample time to empty the contents of the bottle, but we'll never know, will we, because another outstanding member of Detroit's Government, The Police Shift Supervisor, decided to sweep the incident under the rug, per policy, and give Mr. Cushionberry, a ticket for not using his blinker. Money and population disapearing, same old, same old getting re-elected with the same old results, and people bitch about the EFM and the Governor. It's simply amazing to me.
But you see, Kevyn Orr! And suppressing the voters! And other things!! We shouldn't make the Kush take responsibility for being irresponsible and whatnot, we should instead focus on things! Because we can't possibly be outraged at the irresponsible actions of a public figure while still being outraged about the EM!!!!!!