The players aren't going to get any extra money for playing an extra game. Their salary is for the season, not for a game. It does piss me off because I would have to pay for 4 more tickets in my season ticket package.

Quote Originally Posted by GOAT View Post
SBN, I think Hilliard did a better job that Cherilus and that might have helped with the run. Logan was a threat due to his speed, where Best has lost his speed factor due to the turf foes. I expect Best to do what Logan did in the latter half of the year.

As for the CBA, it is an owners lock-out but from everything I have read the players are pissed at the salaries of rookies as well. I dont think there will be a lock-out. The owners would lose too much money and they would have to re-negotiate their contracts with the networks..too much trouble in my opinion.
Going to 18 games would give the players that much more money because that is a potential of two more sell-outs where the 2 exhibition games would get you 20,000 people.