I was going to respond, but judging from all of the responses thus far it would be a waste of time.

As stated in another thread, I know more than anyone how Detroit has gotten into the situation that it's in.

*Anti-urban policies out of Lansing that encouraged flight from urban Detroit, such as the lifting of the residency requirement and the refusal to place limits on sprawl in the state of Michigan.

*Incompetence of leaders in Detroit.

*The almost seemingly sexual perversion and bitterness of folks in the rest of the state about what has happened to Detroit and the need to punish those left behind in the wreckage called Detroit they fled from "just because."

*The fear of electing ANYONE who isn't black or doesn't have a "D" next to their name for political positions in the city.

*Amongst other things, such as the lack of true transit infrastructure, putting our eggs in one-industrial basket, etc.

Quite frankly, I'm sick of the toxic relationship between the state of Michigan, the suburbs and the city of Detroit. NO ONE REGION OR STATE in this United States of America is as half-ass backwards as we are when it comes to their relationship. That's, in large, why I soon plan to leave the entire state too, even if this "new Detroit" were to suddenly rise out of the ashes. What do you think the real reason is behind Ray LaHood not just giving us that transit money? Because he's sick of our bullshit too. That's why the last time Snyder, Bing and select others went to him with fake smiles and giggles about the 3-mile choo-choo down Woodward, he told then=m point blank "Get your act together first, then we'll talk."

With all of the above said, as a Detroiter do I trust the state of Michigan? Hell no. In fact, if it weren't for Detroit, once I left I probably wouldn't set foot within the Michigan state line. To show one good example for the distrust, the state of Michigan reneged, because of a legal loophole, on a written and signed agreement with the city of Detroit and screwed it out of $200+ Million dollars, in addition to needed tax revenue as somehow Detroit must still fulfill its end of the agreement either way.

That said, all of that is neither here nor there for me. As a taxpayer in the city of Detroit, my services have already been cut to the bare bones. What the state, which I already don't trust, is telling me now is that I must accept MORE cuts to the few/poor services I have so the precious bondholders, suburbanites who fled the city with its legacy costs and retirees won't have to take ANY type of haircut. Bullshit. The Federal Government put Title 11 Chapter 9 in place exactly for this purpose. They didn't want someone like Snyder imposing an blatantly unconstitutional legislation on its citizens. Whiule they wanted to resolve the financial crisis many cities and states were facing, they also wanted to do so legally.

So yes, bring on the bankruptcy judge. Will the process take a long time? Possibly. Will the pain imposed on me be any worse or better? Maybe, maybe not. Will Detroit be able to get out much of its debt obligations, which is what half of its budget goes to now? Probably Would the pain be evenly spread like it should be amongst all of Detroit's shareholders, not just the current residents and taxpayers? Definitely. Will Detroit, the suburbs and the state of Michigan be better off for it? You bet'cha.